Ms. Chapin’s U.S. History Class Rules and Procedures Ms. Chapin’s U.S. History Class
What to do and what not to do Do ask any questions. Do turn your work in on time, if it is late you have five days to turn it in, 10 points off per day and after five days it is a zero. Do put your full name on all of your assignments/tests/quizzes. Do study, study your notes and especially the study guides. Do bring a notebook and something to write with every single class. Do not turn anything in to Ms. Chapin with red ink, glitter ink, or sparkly ink. Do not bring your backpack to your desk. Backpacks need to be left against the back wall or the side wall as soon as you come into the classroom. You may not get anything from your backpack without asking first. Do not eat in class. Do not be late to class.
Bathroom Policy According to Franklin Academy, there is a 10-10 rule. No using the bathroom in the first ten minutes of class or the last ten minutes of class. You must have a pass from me before going to the bathroom. No bathroom breaks during a test or quiz unless it is an absolute emergency, otherwise go before or after the quiz.
Email Policy If you every have any questions about an assignment, study guide, or something we discussed in class when you are at home, please email me. I will answer emails until 8pm. Anything after that, I will wait until the next day to email you back. (Note: sometimes teachers have lives and this isn’t always followed.) Please be professional when emailing your teachers, you will be in high school next year and should practice proper email etiquette. Please include a subject line, a proper introduction, and a sign off.
Plagiarism policy Plagiarism is the act of taking the words of another person and using them as one’s own. This includes copying words or ideas from a book, magazine or other print source, downloading material from the Internet, or copying work from another student. In the last case, both the student who does the copying and the student who allows the copying are equally guilty. Plagiarism will result in a zero and administration will be notified.
Cheating policy It is expected that the grade a student earns is based upon work that the student has performed. Cheating is dishonest. It harms you and it harms the other students who do not cheat. The following behaviors may be considered as possible acts of cheating: plagiarism, talking during an exam, copying another’s test/assignment, allowing others to copy your work, open books or notebooks during an exam, cheat sheets, passing notes during an exam, having someone do your assignment for you. If caught cheating, you will be given a zero and the administration will be informed.
Five Basic Rules of the classroom and for success Always show respect for everyone in the class. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Don't talk when someone else is talking. Talking is a lot of fun, trust me I know, but please wait your turn! Come to class with all needed materials. Communication is KEY! If you have a question, ask. If you have a problem, let me know. If you are confused, tell me. I can’t help you if I don’t know something is going on. Try and try again. Try to have a positive attitude, try to do your best work, try to be your best self at all times. No one will find fault in you as long as you are trying.