PRODCOM Working Group JMO M November 2012


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Presentation transcript:

PRODCOM Working Group JMO M2 29-30 November 2012 Item 10 Quality Visit to Statistics Portugal

Purpose Quality visits to the national PRODCOM teams serve to discuss the methodology Detect potential problems Identify best practices that can be shared with other countries 29 - 30 November 2012 Item 10 - Quality visits

Statistics Portugal Organogram Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

PRODCOM Survey (1) At NACE level, the enterprise provides the following variables: Total value of sold production (VSP) VSP in the domestic market VSP in other EU countries VSP in the third countries Industrial services Part of the industrial services that result from subcontracting. Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

PRODCOM Survey (2) For each product the enterprise provides the following variables: Total production Sold production Production used by enterprise Value of Sold production Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

PRODCOM Survey (3) Additional data: Consumption of raw materials by NACE (from 2011: every 5 years with limited annual list) Total costs Costs from the domestic market Costs from other EU countries Costs from third countries Pre-filled list of raw materials (PRODCOM + 4) Purchases Consumption Costs Energy consumption (PRODCOM + 4) Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Classification of users Relevance Classification of users Description of users United Nations Commodity questionnaire, FAO international questionnaire Institutions at European level EUROSTAT Institutions at national level Directorate General for Energy and Geology, Portuguese Environmental Agency (Green Gas Emissions), Other governmental bodies, National Bank, other financial institutions, etc.   Trade associations, Embassies Media (the main channel of statistics to the general public) Researchers and students at international or national level Scientific institutes, universities, students Companies Other statistics National accounts, environmental statistics, SBS, STS Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Target Population Reporting Unit is the enterprise All the enterprises that produce industrial goods and industrial services on the Portuguese territory during the reference year are targeted by the survey. Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Sampling frame Based on Business Register Structural Population Frame All active enterprises Enterprises that ceased activity within the reference period All institutional sectors Sampling frame All enterprises with primary or secondary activity in NACE sections B & C Classes 3511, 3521, 3530, 3831, 3832 of section D 29 - 30 November 2012 Item 10 - Quality visits

Sample design Mostly SMEs, enterprises with fewer than 20 employees are also surveyed Sample constructed using the following rules: At least 5 enterprises per NACE to avoid confidentiality issues Enterprises are carried over from previous year Enterprises are sorted per turnover and included until 90% of total turnover is reached Sample size is roughly 16,000 enterprises Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Product nomenclature PRODCOM based Extended to cover NA and SBS (V20110) needs: Energy products (25 codes) Raw materials (38 codes) NA(433 products) Wines, wood, wood pulp Oil products (Jet fuel, gas oils, fuel oils, liquefied propane and butane) Pesticides (agricultural and other uses) Wiring (for vehicles and other) Users get predefined list of codes but can specify their own codes if required Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Data Collection Methods Primarily web based questionnaires ("WebInq") per NACE class Sold Values Area of sale (domestic, EU, other) Sold & Total Volume (European requirement) Raw materials use Energy consumption KAU tab to facilitate product selection Paper form as last resort Enterprises are encouraged to use the Web questionnaires. If an enterprise has difficulties, guidance is provided by the data collection team. Only if the guidance is not successful or not accepted, paper forms can be downloaded by the enterprise and filled out manually Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

On-line identification & authorisation Designed to minimise management involvement of Statistics Portugal Master password to enterprise by registered mail Users registered independently of enterprises Enterprises manage the delegation of privilege to registered users (e.g. service bureaus) Primary and secondary respondent accounts Primary accounts gets email alert when secondary submits data Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Confidentiality Data protected by national law Only Member State to use 100% dominance In 2011, Statistics Portugal reported data on 2240 products, of which 426 were flagged as confidential Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Measurement Errors (1) Most frequent errors: Wrong industrial product code Classification of new products Wrong volume unit Failure to distinguish between production and industrial services Failure to distinguish between production and trade Failure to distinguish between units produced and units sold Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Measurement Errors (2) Correction of errors: Prevention of errors: Establish direct and close contact with respondents Provide guidance and support to respondents Prevention of errors: Pre-filled information Web forms with validation rules and alerts [Future] Web forms with last year's data for reference purposes Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Processing Errors Credibility & consistency analysis Examples: Code validation Unit of Measurement validation Comparison between indicators Comparison between reporting units Cross-check with other surveys Examples: Product value within +/- 30% and +/- €150.000 of previous return Unit value within +/- 25% of previous return Unit value within +/- 25% of aggregate unit value Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Non-response Errors First report (June Y+1): use information from previous year Subsequent reports (December Y+1, December Y+2) are adjusted based on: STS data Simplified Business Information data International Trade Statistics data Imputation based on average values per NACE class Only adjusted if significant impact on national figures Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Data Processing & Quality Assurance Integrated and consistent approach Same system used for internal and external access Integration, harmonisation and reuse of processes result in: Efficiency gains Increase in comparability through the use of the same population Reduction of the burden on respondents Quality assurance Version stack Only final validated version sent to data warehouse Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Data Processing & Quality Assurance Missing data Respondents reminded between April & October Response rate monitored based on: Number of enterprises Value of Sold Production Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Data Processing & Quality Assurance Item 10 - Quality visits 29 - 30 November 2012

Dissemination Annual publication on Industrial Production Main findings of PRODCOM Survey Large set of products Production (in volume) Sales (in volume and value) Industrial Services Latest publication released January 2012 on 2010 data Available on-line through the Statistics Portugal Website 29 - 30 November 2012 Item 10 - Quality visits