A Little One Shall Become A Thousand..... ANNOUNCEMENTS Sunday, July 28, 2019
to our Birthday Celebration Welcome to our Birthday Celebration Service of First Lady Frieson!
Join Pastor Frieson as he continues in his brand new series entitled ”Power From Within"! “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come…” (Acts 1:8)
Judah Generation Youth Ministry Church Announcement Judah Generation Youth Ministry Judah generation youth ministry needs some enthusiastic and outgoing disciples to help with activities, events and planning. Bring your ideas, motivation and youthful energy to the ministry! If interested please see Minister Sabrina McLean after service on Sunday, August 4, 2019, or email her at Sabrina.McLean@generationofpraise.org. If you are emailing please be sure to include your name, phone number, area of interest or ideas.
Looking to join a ministry? Multi-Media Ministry Looking to join a ministry? Have a media background or want to learn? Our Multi-Media Ministry is looking for Spirit-led disciples to join the ministry. Please see Elder Anthony or First Lady Frieson for more information.
Summer Worship Communion Schedule Church Announcement Summer Worship Communion Schedule During the months of August and September, our Holy Communion worship services will be held on the 2nd Sunday of each month.
Weekly Announcements Please submit any church ministry related announcements to be considered in the weekly announcements by Tuesday at 3:00 PM to Minister Monique Lynch or Deaconess Jamie Adams at: Monique.Lynch@generationofpraise.org Jamie.Adams@generationofpraise.org PASTORAL MINISTRY MEETINGS & REQUESTS Please coordinate all requested meetings with Pastor Frieson through Deaconess Detris Dickens at: Detris.Dickens@generationofpraise.org
Connect With Us Morning Announcements & Exaltation Prayer – 10:05am Sunday Worship Service – 10:15am Youth Church- every 2nd and 4th Sunday Believers Night Bible Study – will resume in September For more information regarding our church, ministry event announcements, and online giving opportunities please log onto: www.GENERATIONOFPRAISE.ORG Tell a friend to connect with us on Facebook and we welcome you to follow us on twitter.