Kick-Off meeting BlueBio


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Presentation transcript:

Kick-Off meeting BlueBio The Research Council of Norway - Lysaker, Oslo 29.01.2019

Practical information Time Task 09:00 – 09:30 Registration   Welcome, aim of the meeting, current state, tour de table (Fridtjof Unander, RCN) European Commission Update (tbc) BlueBio basic principles and the value chain approach (Kristin Thorud, RCN) Call implementation (JÜLICH / UEFISCDI) Joint co-funded Call WP2: Preparation and launching the co-funded call (JÜLICH) WP3: Evaluation and selection of proposals (UEFISCDI) 11:00-11:15 Coffee break Preparation for the Brokerage Event (Hanna Lee Behrens, RCN) H2020 Grant Agreement, Legal and Financial Issues (Kristin Thorud, RCN) Financing issues Reporting Consortium Agreement (Kristin Thorud, RCN) Financial provisions Updates 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch WP overviews and work plan by WP leader WP1: Management (RCN) WP4: Follow-up and monitoring of projects resulting from the co-funded call (AEI) WP5: Communication, Exploitation and Dissemination of the results (RANNIS) WP6: Additional calls (MI) WP7: Related activities (CNR) WP8: Ethics requirement (RCN) 15:30 – 15:45 Consortium management (Kristin Thorud, RCN) Involvement in additional activities WP-WP collaboration Next Consortium Meetings (Kristin Thorud, RCN) AOB (All) Practical information WiFi Fire escape Lunch, fruit, cake, Coffe/Tea/Water Toilets

Tour de Table Attending in person Participating on Skype Excused

BlueBio basic principles and the value chain approach What are we – What do we mean with Blue Bioeconomy? Who are we?

Call implementation - 19 725 555 € - 29 304 647 € Includes both marine and freshwater bioresources as well as synergies with land-based production Priority area 1: Exploring new resources Priority area 2: Exploring improvements in fisheries and aquaculture Priority area 3: Exploring synergies with other sectors Priority area 4: Exploring Biotechnology and ICT Projects will have to address Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) issues, i.e. stakeholder dialogue about safety and sustainability of food, acceptable products, policymaking, professional skills, training, mobility

H2020 Grant Agreement - Signed 16 October 2019 Amended 14 December Financing issues Minimum total call budget: 19 725 555 € First pre-financing payment: 7 January: 1 202 197 (1 602 929.33 € - Guarantee Fund 400 732. 33 € ) Second pre-financing payment: 5 610 252.65 (Month 21-23) Requested Contribution for EU-Top-Up 6 519 334.14 € Requested Administrative Contribution (Unit Costs and indirect costs) 1 495 312.50 € Maximum Grant amount 8 014 646.64 € The Grant Agreement was based on the proposal, with amemndments based on the evaluation prosess. Change in deliverables, milestones, and list of risks to the project. Lost Argentaina, later also France, added an Ethical workpackage.

H2020 Grant Agreement Reporting and deliverables RP 1 from month 1-18 Art 20.2 Technical report Ranking list Observers report on evaluation Joint selection list Commitment on availability of funds Statement on use of first pre-finansing RP 2: from month 19-60 Art 20.4 Final technical report Final financial report Annual information on cumulative expenditures Deliverables Art.19 Information on the call Information on each selected project at end of selection and at end of project Progress report month 36 Other deliverables Obligation to provide information upon request Art.17 Obligation to keep records and other supporting documentation Art. 18 Actual costs, Unit costs, Documentation of accounting practices, Time records for personnel costs

Consortium Agreement Update Green- corrections for things that have happened (e.g. changes of person and organisations (budget implications), spelling errors etc.); Blue- for clarifications as requested by members of the consortium; Red- for changes in content.

Consortium Agreement Financing issues Implementation costs for BlueBio 1,640,000 € Travel/subsistence costs for participation to network meetings 155,000 € Reserve Fund 165,000 e Total administrative budget 1,960,000 € Available top-up of project in the co-funded call 6,054,647 € Maximum Grant amount from Funding Authority 8,014,647 € Table 4

Consortium Agreement Financing issues Year Prognostic cash flow from Funding Authority Available top-up share for funded projects Implementation costs Travel and partici-pation in networking Reserve fund Accumu-lated payments 2018 1,202,197   165,000 2019 656,000 31,000 852,000 2020 5,610,253 319,197 4,861,253 883,000 6,719,450 2021 6,750,450 2022 6,781,450 2023 6,812,450 2024 874,197 328,000 8,014,647 Total 6,054,647 1,640,000 155,000 165 000 Table 8

Consortium Agreement Financing issues – First prepayment to partners   Transfer to organisation Travel + PM Kept for direct costs RCN 99 000 60 000 7 600 22 400 36 000 FWO 1 000 HERMES MZO IFD ETAG MEM MMM BMBF JUELICH 70 000 6 800 BMEL BLE GSRT 5 400   Transfer to organisation Travel + PM Kept for direct costs RANNIS 14 600 80 000 MI 35 000 2 000 SFI 1 000 CNR 41 000 10 000 MIUR IN FCT 5 000 FRCT UEFISCDI 49 000 72 000 4 000 CDTI AEI 37 000 6 400 VGR FORMAS MCST JPI Oceans TOTAL 413 800 273 200

Consortium Agreement Oversubscription rate for stage 1 2 Minimum total call budget = 19 725 555 € Available top-up of projects in the co-funded call = 6 054 647 € Initial national call contribution = 14 613 729 € Indicative additional national call contribution = 8,636,271 € Maximum national call contribution = 23 250 000 € Maximum total call budget = 29 304 647 € Three times oversubscription (two times for Greece) of Initial national/regional call contribution = 42 898 366 € Maximum national/regional call contribution = 68 250 000 € Three times oversubscription rate from stage 1 to 2 is a very standard oversubscription rate, allowing for enough competionon i stage 2, but not too many from each partner, that could result in one country having too many projects in the competion for ranking list – if one country is very success ful, we could risk that it blocks the ranking list if it runs out of money too early – so the tree times is related to the seum of funds necessary to release the top-up from the EC. In our case, we have a large additional national call contribution. This means that if we only have oversubscription of the initial sum of money, we risk not having enough apppliction to fund the additional projects. However, if we increase the oversubscritopn, we may risk to loose EU-monye, if one country runs out of money by being partner in too many good projects.

WP 1 Coordination and management Task 1.1 Administrative project management /coordination Task 1.2 Financial Management – Accounting procedures and transfer of money - need bank accounts Task 1.3 Internal communication and decision structure Meetings, Value chain supervisors, WP5-dialogue Task 1.4 Stakeholder engagement – Stakeholder engagement plan and Advisory Board – inform – consult – involve - collaborate Requests for participation from other partners

Level of engagement with stakeholders

WP 1 Coordination and management Deliverables; Due Date (month) (actual) D1.1 Short annual progress reports to the consortium 2019 12 31.12.2019 D1.2 Short annual progress reports to the consortium 2020 24 31.12.2020 D1.3 Short annual progress reports to the consortium 2021 36 31.12.2021 D1.4 Short annual progress reports to the consortium 2022 48 31.12.2022 D1.5 Report on cumulative expenses incurred 12 31.12.2019 D1.6 Report on cumulative expenses incurred 24 31.12.2020 D1.7 Report on cumulative expenses incurred 36 31.12.2021 D1.8 Report on cumulative expenses incurred 48 31.12.2022 D1.9 Report on cumulative expenses incurred 60 31.12.2023 D1.10 Progress report to the Commission 36 31.12.2021

WP 8 Ethics requirements Deliverables Due Date: month - actual D8.1 POPD -Requirement No. 1 Appoint Data Protection Officer 3 31.03.2019 D8.2 GEN - Requirement No. 2 Appoint Independent Ethics Advisor 1 31.01.2019 D8.3 GEN - Requirement No. 4 - Report 18 30.06.2020 D8.4 GEN - Requirement No. 7 - Report 60 31.12.2023

Consortium management WP-WP collaboration O

Consortium management Internal Communication WP-WP collaboration

Increasing the impact of European Investments in marine and maritime research Substantially contribute to the ERA on Blue Bioeconomy, building a BlueBio Knowledge Community, based on three legs our network of programme owners and programme managers, a network among funded projects, facilitating knowledge exchange and capacity building, potentially linked with other transnational, thematically related projects a network of stakeholders as outlined in the Stakeholder Engagement Plan and the Communication Workplan.

Next Consortium Meetings Call Steering Committee (selection meetings) Executive Team Consortium Advisory Board   28.01.2019 29.01.2019 Early June June? End September December December? Monthly calls with the whole consortium