SECTORS Obtain raw materials from the nature. Primary sector : Obtain raw materials from the nature. Secondary sector : Transform raw materials into products. Tertiary sector : It give services to the public. Raw material : materia prima
PRIMARY SECTOR Dry crops : Only need rainwater. (cereals , grapes or olives ) ARABLE FARMING Irrigated crops : Need extra water. (fruit , vegetables , or rice) Extensive farming: The animals are in open spaces. LIVESTOCK FARMING Intensive farming: The animals are in enclosed spaces. Deep-sea fishing : Far away from the coast. FISHING Coastal fishing : Near to the coast. Underground mining : Below the earth suface. MINING Open cast mining : On the surface. FORESTRY Deforestation : Cut trees. RAW MATERIAL Materials token directly from nature.
SECONDARY SECTOR Secondary sector Energy industries. Base industries. Capital goods industries. Consumer goods industries. Construction industries. Suply energy. Transform raw materials into semi-finished products. Manufacture machinery and equipment. Use products from base or capital industries, then they transform into products. Use raw materials to make buildings.
MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS Use their hands to make products. They take more time. They are more expensive. Craftworkers Use complex machines Short time to produce In large quantities. Industrial workers
TERTIARY SECTOR Education Health care Retail Administration People that help us learn. Education People that look after our help. Health care Retail workers sell us products. Retail People that organise work in offices. Administration Provide us information: newspaper, internet… Media and comunication Tourism supplies hotels , restaurants and entertainment to tourists. Tourism Two types: Domestic trade : Buying or selling goods in one country. Foreign trade : Buying or selling goods with other country.We can import or export. Trade Carry people from one place to place. Land transport Air transport Water transport Transport
TERTIARY SECTOR IN SPAIN The most important sector in Spain is the tertiary sector . About 65 % works in that. The most important is tourism. There are 4 types of tourism. Beach tourism. Rural tourism. Cultural tourism. Adventure tourism.
ECONOMIC SECTORS IN EUROPE Primary sector : The diversity of climate and landform in Europe allow that the primary sector have a variety of products. SEcONDARY SECTOR : There are many factories in Europe, about 30 % of workers work in that sector. TERTIARY SECTOR : About 66% of workers are in this sectors. Tourism is very important in Europe. Europe has an important transport system. Europe imports raw materials and export metal , cars or chemicals.
IMPORTS AND EXPORTS Import is when you get a product from other country. Spain imports machinery , food and textiles. Export is when you give a product to other country. Spain exports chemical products , shoes ,fruits and vegetables.
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