STXM: Nanoscale Mapping of Chemistry Benjamin Watts :: PolLux STXM Beamline Scientist :: Paul Scherrer Institut STXM: Nanoscale Mapping of Chemistry
Scanning Transmission X-ray Spectro-Microscopy High spatial resolution about 20 nm Easy to operate Soft X-ray spectroscopy as contrast: Elemental composition Molecular structure Oxidation states Quantitative!
Synergy of Microscopy and Spectroscopy 280 eV 284.7 eV 285.1 eV 320 eV Calculated % F8BT composition
Accessible Elemental X-ray Absorption Edges
User Facility – Please come visit us! 70% of operation time awarded to applicants. Simple 2-page proposal form with deadlines on March 15th and September 15th. About 50% success rate (depends on how many received). We teach you how to use the instrument. Point-and-click user interface.