SAT List #14 5 on front, 5 on back- space out! malinger mendicant miserly mundane nadir nascent nuance obdurate officious optimum
Here we go again! 1. Ms. Wu suspected that she was malinger (ing) because she was only sick on days essays were due. (v) to pretend illness, especially to avoid work 2. The girl felt sorry for the mendicant and gave him some change as she walked by. (n) a beggar 3. The miserly Mr. Burns was known for his avarice. (adj) stingy and mean about money
Nadir= Antonym: Apex 4. My days are always mundane; nothing exciting ever happens. (adj) 1.ordinary, banal 2. concerning the world (to discuss mundane matters) 5. The relationship between the two reached its nadir and many believed they were breaking up. (n) The lowest point; note: the antonym is apex 6. Not too long ago, Nicki Minaj was working hard to promote her nascent singing career. (adj) emerging; just coming into existence
Nuance: LIReadNES 7. The story, “Geraldo No Last Name” is full of nuance (d) meanings that can be easily overlooked. (n) A subtle, minor distinction or change 8. The Nazi’s obdurate abuse of the Jewish prisoners is unimaginable to many. (adj) stubbornly persistent, usually in wrongdoing
14 down, 6 to go! 9. My mother’s officious efforts make me wish she’d mind her own business. (adj) intrusive offering of help that are not needed 10. The girl kept putting ice cubes into her drink until it reached the optimum temperature. (n) the best or most favorable point