Installations for Course We’re going to be learning a lot in the course . Installing now will save you time. We have technical instructions here – there are going to be explanations about the IDE’s and about what “modules” and “packages” are in the course. We’re going to be using Visual Studio’s VSCode IDE for the first lessons and then teach PyCharm’s IDE and you can do the exercises in whichever you prefer.
Downloading Python is the link to the download you need. Make sure that you download a Python 3 version (3.x.x – 3.6.0 for example). Make sure that the version is meant for your operating system (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux). Make sure the “Add to Path” option is selected when installing..
Installing VSCode Section in Video which explains how to download VSCode Editor and extend it into an IDE (~7 minutes long): Download link for VSCode:
PyCharm Installation Please install the popular PyCharm IDE. We will be learning to use it after the first lessons: Download this toolbox app (click “Download” in the top-right corner). Run the file to install the App. From the Toolbox App – choose to install “PyCharm Edu” It installs quietly (PyCharm can also be used installed and works well with the Anaconda Python and Packages distribution, though we’re not using Anaconda in our course)
Chose a method Please install the packages mentioned in the last through command line or through PyCharm IDE or through VSCode IDE Instructions are on next two slides You can try all methods if you have time – it might help you decide on an IDE later on.
Installing Packages through IDE We can install a package using one of: Installing package in PyCharm: packages.html Installing packages in VSCode: packages
Using cmd to Install Python Packages You can do package installation from your Python IDE – but it is good to know how to use the command line (cmd) When you open a command line window – type “python” if the command is not recognized – add the folder where your python.exe is to the “PATH” Environment Variable. This tells the computer where to search for an exe file when you type in “python”, for example. You can set the environment variable in (Windows) File Explorer: Computer (right click)->Properties->Advanced System Settings->Advanced->Environment Variables->User Variables->Select PATH and Edit. Type ; after the last path there and add C:\Users\a\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32 (for example). You can find your python.exe by right- click on the program’s icon in the start menu->Open file location. You need to close the cmd window where “python” wasn’t recognized and open a new window. If “pip” is not recognized as a command when typing “pip install requests” add the same path as for “python” to the PATH environment variable, but with “\Scripts” (C:\Users\a\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37- 32\Scripts for example)
Online Python Notebooks A Python notebook is built to be interactive, to display data/graphs nicely, and is divided in to code cells and text cells. Jupyter is a package for running/editing Python notebooks locally. We’ll be installing it. There is also the option to run/edit any Python notebook through the Google Colab online application. There will be instructions how to open someone’s GitHub Python notebook through Google Colab in one of the lessons.
Packages to Install for the Course numpy scipy statsmodels pandas matplotlib seaborn Flask requests beautifulsoup4 openpyxl python-docx PyPDF2 jupyter Kivy