GEO Plenary XIV Side event Session 4 SDG 15 Life on Land
EO4SDG SDG 15 Panel Sasha Alexander, UNCCD Douglas Muchoney, FAO Neil Sims, CSIRO Mariano Gonzalez-Roglich, Conservation International Pilar Lozano, Colombia / IDEAM Omar Seidu, National Statistics Office, Ghana Moderator: Marc Paganini, ESA & CEOS Goal 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities Goal 14 – Life Below Water Goal 15 – Life On Land Sasha Alexander, U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification Douglas Muchoney, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Neil Sims, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Mariano Gonsalez-Roglich, Conservation International (CI) Pilar Lozano, Colombia / Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) Omar Seidu, National Statistics Office, Ghana EO4SDG
Ten Questions to Consider Based on your experience, what should others do? What should they avoid doing? What challenges did you face that you did not anticipate? What surprised you the most? What technical, programmatic, or administrative issues did you face? What was easier than expected? What was more difficult than expected? What aspects of your activities would be the most easy to replicate? What are the pros/cons of your approach? What did you learn? What is next? What are your next steps? What challenges do you face now? What obstacles need to be overcome? What is success for your organization? How will you know if you’re successful? What information would you like to have that you don’t have now? How could the GEO community support and help you? Goal 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities Goal 14 – Life Below Water Goal 15 – Life On Land Moderator: Eduardo De La Torre, Mexico /INEGI Contributors Tim Trainor, US Census Bureau Sandra Moreno, Colombia / National Administrative Office of Statistics (DANE) Bob Chen, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Aditya Agrawal, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD) Andrew Simmons, Integrated City-Region Systems Modelling:
Earth Observations in Service of Global Development GEO-XIV Side Event