John Byrd and Pietro Musumeci MC6: Beam Instrumentation, Controls, and Operational Aspects Contributed Talks John Byrd and Pietro Musumeci
Invited Talks: 5 slots
Contributed Talks: 12 slots 51 total contributed abstracts MC Abr # 1st 2nd sum Title Author Inst 1 6 2190 10 2 22 Design and Analysis of a Halo-Measurement Diagnostics Christopher Marshall NIU 1982 7 16 Online Modelling and Optimization of Nonlinear Integrable Systems Nikita Kuklev UofChic 3 1583 5 4 14 Novel Emittance Measurement Combining Foil Focusing and Pepper-Pot Techniques Kimberly Schultz LANL 2180 11 Emittance Measurement of a Dispersive Beam Kirsten Deitrick Cornell 2187 Beam Dynamics in a High Gradient RF Streak Camera Filippos Toufexis SLAC 1992 Electro-Optic Sampling Beam Position Monitor Keenan Hunt-Stone CIPS Boulder 2223 9 Adaptive Machine Learning and Feedback Control for Automatic Particle Accelerator Tuning Alexander Scheinker 8 2058 Analysis of Beam Position Monitor Requirements With Bayesian Gaussian Regression Yue Hao FRIB 2179 Error Minimization in Transverse Phase-Space Measurements Using Quadrupole and Solenoid Scans Chun Yan Jonathan Wong NSCL 2142 Final Design of NEG-Coated Aluminum Vacuum Chambers & Stainless Steel Keyhole Vacuum Chambers for the APS-U Storage Ring Vacuum System Austin McElderry ANL 2068 Update on BPM Signal Processing Circuitry Development at AWA Wanming Liu 2125 Present Status and Upgrades of the SNS Ion Beam Bunch Shape Monitors Vasilis Tzoganis ORNL 2140 NEG-Coated Inconel Vacuum Chambers for the APS-Upgrade Storage Ring Vacuum System Jason Carter 1601 Beam Loss in the First Segment of the FRIB Linac Rebecca Shane 1998 Current Status and Prospects of FRIB Machine Protection System ZhiYong Li
Proposed Contributed Talks ID 2190 10 2 22 Design and Analysis of a Halo-Measurement Diagnostics Christopher Marshall NIU 1982 7 16 Online Modelling and Optimization of Nonlinear Integrable Systems Nikita Kuklev UofChic 1583 5 4 14 Novel Emittance Measurement Combining Foil Focusing and Pepper-Pot Techniques Kimberly Schultz LANL 2180 3 11 Emittance Measurement of a Dispersive Beam Adam Bartnik Cornell 2187 Beam Dynamics in a High Gradient RF Streak Camera Filippos Toufexis SLAC 1992 Electro-Optic Sampling Beam Position Monitor Keenan Hunt-Stone CIPS Boulder 2223 x 1 9 Adaptive Machine Learning and Feedback Control for Automatic Particle Accelerator Tuning Alexander Scheinker 2058 Analysis of Beam Position Monitor Requirements With Bayesian Gaussian Regression Yue Hao FRIB 2179 Error Minimization in Transverse Phase-Space Measurements Using Quadrupole and Solenoid Scans Chun Yan Jonathan Wong NSCL 2140 8 NEG-Coated Inconel Vacuum Chambers for the APS-Upgrade Storage Ring Vacuum System Jason Carter ANL 2068 6 Update on BPM Signal Processing Circuitry Development at AWA Wanming Liu 2136 Beam Loss in the First Segment of the FRIB Linac Rebecca Shane
Backup Contributed Talks 2125 2 6 Present Status and Upgrades of the SNS Ion Beam Bunch Shape Monitors Vasilis Tzoganis ORNL 2142 3 Final Design of NEG-Coated Aluminum Vacuum Chambers & Stainless Steel Keyhole Vacuum Chambers for the APS-U Storage Ring Vacuum System Austin McElderry ANL 1998 1 5 Current Status and Prospects of FRIB Machine Protection System ZhiYong Li FRIB
Statistics Americas 4 invited + 12 contributed + 3 backup Asia 1 invited + 0 contributed + 0 backup Europe 0 invited + 0 contributed + 0 backup Males: 4 invited + 10 contributed + 3 backup Females: 1 invited + 2 contributed + 0 backup
Detailed schedule for MC6 3 Sessions, 5 Invited + 12 Contributed Tuesday 1030-1230 2 invited talks, 4 contributed Chair: Glenn Decker (ANL) Thursday 0830-1000 2 invited talks, 2 contributed Chair: Wolfram Fischer (BNL) or Michiko Minty (BNL) Thursday 1330-1530 1 invited talks, 6 contributed Chair: Jayakar Thangaraj (Fermilab)
Tuesday 1030-1230, Chair: Glenn Decker (ANL) or Steve Lidia (FRIB) Invited Vacuum System Solutions for Small Vacuum Chamber Next Generation Storage Rings – Sol Omolayo (LBNL) Manipulating H- Beams with Lasers – Abdurahim Rakhman (ORNL) Contributed 2140 NEG-Coated Inconel Vacuum Chambers for the APS-Upgrade Storage Ring Vacuum System – Jason Carter (ANL) 1982 Online Modelling and Optimization of Nonlinear Integrable Systems – Nikita Kuklev (Uchicago) 2190 Design and Analysis of a Halo-Measurement Diagnostics – Christopher Marshall (NIU) 2187 Beam Dynamics in a High Gradient RF Streak Camera – Filippos Toufexis (SLAC)
Thursday 0830-1000, Chair: Wolfram Fischer (BNL) Invited Machine Learning Demonstrations on Accelerators – Auralee Edelen (SLAC) Contributed 2058 Analysis of Beam Position Monitor Requirements With Bayesian Gaussian Regression - Yue Hao (FRIB) 2223 Adaptive Machine Learning and Feedback Control for Automatic Particle Accelerator Tuning – Alexander Scheinker (LANL) 2068 Update on BPM Signal Processing Circuitry Development at AWA – Wanming Liu (ANL) 1992 Electro-Optic Sampling Beam Position Monitor – Keenan Hunt-Stone (UC Boulder)
Thursday 1330-1530, Chair: Charles Thangaraj (FNAL) or Sanghoon Kim (FRIB) Invited Commissioning of the FRIB Beam Instrumentation – Steven Lidia (FRIB) Single-Shot Wakefield Measurement System – Qiang Gao (TUB) Contributed 1583 Novel Emittance Measurement Combining Foil Focusing and Pepper-Pot Techniques – Kimberly Schultz (LANL) 2136 Beam Loss in the First Segment of the FRIB Linac – Rebecca Shane (FRIB) 2180 Emittance Measurement of a Dispersive Beam – Adam Bartnik (Cornell) 2179 Error Minimization in Transverse Phase-Space Measurements Using Quadrupole and Solenoid Scans – Jonathan Wong (NSCL)