Outline: Specifications reviewed Summery of last presentation Strip line BPM LF Acquisition systems Summary
HEL BPM Specifications: Functional specifications : E_beam off/on, 1 to 3 times per turn No high frequency modulation!! Injection and high energy stable beams Single bunch and full machine Proton beam Electron beam Comments Intensity 5E9 (2.1A) / 2.5E11 (63A) 1 / 5A Bunch / Pulse length 1ns 1-86us P=4σ; E_beam off 3us; tr = 200ns Relativistic β 1 0.19-0.24 Resolution 100um / 20um Relative accuracy 100um Between beams Absolute accuracy 500um Max beam displacement 4mm Time resolution 228t orbit 1 per turn ? Inner diameter 60mm Max. outer diameter 120mm DN63 flanges=114mm
No magnetic components! BPMs for Hollow Electron Lens No magnetic components!
Principle: Same BPMs for the two beams to minimize mechanical offsets Same electronics for the two beams to minimize electrical offsets Time separation Measure EBeam in abort gap (and elsewhere) WHEN switched off / on and NO PBeam present Measure PBeam elsewhere Low frequency: 40MHz for Proton beam < 1MHz for Electron beam
BPMs considered: Present HEL BPM design Button BPM L= 100mm, ϕ=75⁰; C=20pF, R=50Ω D= 24mm; C=8pF; R=50Ω FNAL TEL 2 BPM
Beam Signals: Proton Beam: Electron Beam: σ=0.25ns, N=2.5E11, 25ns 40MHz lines Electron Beam: 1 to 86us; 1 to 5A Tr=200ns
Wide band Beam signals with electrostatic BPM 200Vp Protons : I= 63A, 25ns Frequency (Hz) Response (V) ~160MHz (20pF, 50Ω) 0.8Vpp Electrons : I= 5A, Tr=200ns, Off/on 2us EBeam Off / on EBeam spectrum heavily filtered
With 25MHz LP filter Electrostatic BPM Button BPM Amplitudes shown for max currents 0.8Vpp Button BPM 0.8Vpp Electrostatic BPM is better suited for the LF version, 10 times more signal
23 degree strip line, ID=61mm ~1.15db/mm Design criteria: Minimize Proton beam signals (< 100V), maximize Electron beam signals
23 deg. 400mm Stripline Gaussian Proton bunch Select first harmonic and filter
23deg, 400mm, Stripline with electron beam on/off
LHC Stripline: LHCBPLX ID = 80mm, 23.2 degree 400mm electrodes DN100 Could be scaled to ID 60mm, with DN62 flanges
BPM signal summery BPM Electron beam on/off Gaussian 2.5*10^11, 0.25ns Gaussian, 2.5*10^11 with ~25MHz LP filter Button 0.04vp 63Vp ~0.65V Strip line (0.2m, 45⁰) 0.22Vp 200Vp ~0.45Vp Strip line (0.4m, 23⁰) 0.2V 100Vp Electrostatic (75⁰) 0.8Vp ~200Vp ~0.4Vp Stripline followed by 25MHz lowpass filter good solution!
Acquisition system: DOROS
Acquisition system: VFC
Summary: BPM choice: Low frequency acquisition system: Strip line BPM (Shorted)? (L=400mm, ϕ=~20⁰) is best choice for LF system, and would be good for HF system as well. Buttons not well suited for LF system Integration and CST simulations next steps Low frequency acquisition system: DOROS or VFC?