Unit 4 Lesson 3 Objective: SWBAT identify the author’s point of view in the article The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
Vocabulary to Know (please write this down in your notebook) contrived: made-up; manipulated enshrouded: veiled; concealed fervor: enthusiasm; zeal protracted: extended; drawn-out provocation: incitement; cause
Article Summary After a reported attack on the destroyer Maddox, President Johnson asked Congress to authorize action to protect American forces and honor treaty obligations to South Vietnam. Goldberg outlines critics’ suggestions that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was used as an excuse to deepen U.S involvement in Vietnam.
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution by M. Hirsh Goldberg (pp.20-21) Guided Practice: 1. Read page 20 of The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution as a class. 2. Identify the purpose for reading this page- What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution by M. Hirsh Goldberg (pp.20-21) Guided Practice: 1. Read page 20 of The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution as a class. 2. Identify the purpose for reading this page- What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? “President Lyndon Johnson immediately went before Congress and urged that he be given congressional approval to defend United States interests in the area. He got it, in what has been called the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (it passed 416-0 in the House and 88-2 in the Senate)”(p.20)
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution by M. Hirsh Goldberg (pp.20-21) Next steps: Continue reading page 21 of The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, then answer the following questions in your notebook with a partner. 1. What is the main point of this article? (Summarize) 2. Bias occurs when a writer favors one side in an argument by presenting only one point of view, or presenting more arguments against one side than another. In what way(s) might Goldberg's article be viewed as biased? 3. Does the media today present news without bias? Give examples to support your opinion.
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution by M. Hirsh Goldberg (pp.20-21) Independent Practice: Please answer the following question on Engrade (Assignment name: Lesson 4.3 Independent Practice) 1. What do you think the author means by the phrase “bitter fighting both abroad and at home”? Based on the author’s word choice, please identify the author’s point of view on this particular topic.