Of Mice and Men Vocabulary
Ch. 1 Pages 1-16
Morosely Gloomy or sadly
Emerge Come forth into view
Dejected In a downcast manner; dispirited.
Move clumsily, as if burdened Lumbered Move clumsily, as if burdened To move slowly or heavily
Contemplated Gazed at attentively To think about thoroughly
Imperiously In a lordly or arrogant manner Done in an overbearing way, or with a feeling of superiority.
Recumbent Position suggestive of resting (especially of a person or human figure) lying down
Scoff, ominously, plaintively, majesty, profound, precede, liniment. Ch. 2 pages 17-37 Scoff, ominously, plaintively, majesty, profound, precede, liniment.
Scoff-mock To speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way.
Ominously- in a way that threatens danger
Plaintively-sorrowfully; sadly
Majesty- Stately; dignity Impressive stateliness, dignity, or beauty.
Profound-deep; penetrating (Of a state, quality, or emotion) Very great or intense.
Precede-go before To come before (something) in time
Liniment-soothing salve to apply to skin A liquid or lotion, especially one made with oil, to decrease pain
Chapter 3 pages 38-65
Confident feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self- assured. Antonym: apprehensive
Entranced fill (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention. Antonym: bored
Reprehensible deserving censure or condemnation. Antonym: praiseworthy
Conceal keep from sight; hide. Antonym: reveal
Sarcasm the use of irony to mock or convey contempt. Antonym: frankness
Deliberate done consciously and intentionally.
Attract cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest, favorable conditions, or opportunities.
Cautious (of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.
Ch. 4 pages 66-83
Aloof not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant
Meager (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality.
Contemptuously in a scornful way that shows disdain.
Ego a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance.
Lean be in or move into a sloping position.
Scowl an angry or bad- tempered expression.
Averted turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).
Confide tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others.
Ch. 5 Console Confide Earnestly Contorted whimper
Console comfort (someone) at a time of grief or disappointment.
Contorted twisted or bent out of the normal shape.
Earnestly with sincere and intense conviction; seriously.
Whimper (of a person or animal) make a series of low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain, or discontent.
Ch 6 Monotonous Mottled Retorted Belligerent woodenly
Belligerent hostile and aggressive.
Monotonous dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.
Retorted say something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner
Woodenly stiffly or awkwardly in movement or manner.
Mottled marked with spots or smears of color.