IEEE – Advancing Technology for the Benefit of Humanity


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Presentation transcript:

IEEE – Advancing Technology for the Benefit of Humanity Howard E. Michel, Ph.D. IEEE 2012 Vice-President Member and Geographic Activities Region 1 March 10, 2012

Our Heritage AIEE (1884) – American Institute of Electrical Engineers 8/22/2019 Our Heritage AIEE (1884) – American Institute of Electrical Engineers IRE (1912) – Institute of Radio Engineers IEEE (1963) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers from merger of AIEE & IRE  The history of IEEE dates back more than 125 years to the founding of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers or AIEE. It was founded by American industrialists to develop a skilled workforce and prepare standards for U.S. electrical industries. Bell and Edison were founding members. The IRE or Institute of Radio Engineers was formed in 1912 by radio electronics pioneers who did not feel fully at home in an electric power-oriented AIEE. The IRE differed from the AIEE also in that it was positioned at inception to be global. Overlapping membership and technology interests led to the formation of IEEE in 1963 with a merger of the AIEE and IRE.

Our Mission. . . “Foster Technological Innovation And Excellence For The Benefit Of Humanity”   This is the new mission statement for the IEEE. A few years ago, the IEEE Board of Directors and staff developed a new strategic plan for the organization. This included a new approach to developing strategies that support the plan’s implementation. The strategic plan emphasizes long-term goals that will add value to the technical community and to the technical professions, rather than focusing on internal operations. IEEE organizational units are implementing the strategy and are engaging in a range activities designed to clarify vision, values, and goals. These activities also ensure that the volunteer leadership’s time is spent on issues that matter most to IEEE.

IEEE’s Purpose Scientific and educational, directed toward the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical engineering, electronics, radio and the allied branches of engineering and the related arts and sciences; Professional, directed toward the advancement of the standing of the members of the professions it serves; 8/22/2019

IEEE governing documents New York State Not-For-Profit Corporation Laws Internal Revenue Code IEEE Certificate of Incorporation IEEE Constitution and Bylaws IEEE Policies IEEE Code of Ethics IEEE Policy on Nondiscrimination Finance Operations Manual (FOM) 8/22/2019


IEEE Assembly 23 Members President, President-Elect, Past President 10 Technical Directors 10 Regional Directors 8/22/2019

IEEE Board of Directors 31 Members President, President-Elect, Past President Vice-Presidents of MGA, TA, PSPB, EA President of SA, IEEE-USA Secretary and Treasurer 10 Technical Directors 10 Regional Directors 8/22/2019

IEEE Major Boards Educational Activities Board (EAB) Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGAB) Standards Association (SA) Technical Activities Board (TAB) IEEE United States of America (IEEE-USA) 8/22/2019

IEEE Standing Committees 1. Audit Committee 2. Awards Board 3. Employee Benefits and Compensation Committee 4. Ethics and Member Conduct Committee 5. Fellow Committee 6. Finance Committee 7. Governance Committee 8/22/2019

IEEE Standing Committees 8. History Committee 9. Insurance Committee 10. Investment Committee 11. New Initiatives Committee 12. Nominations and Appointments Committee 13. Public Visibility Committee 14. Strategic Planning Committee 15. Tellers Committee 8/22/2019

IEEE Lines of Operations Revenue Total Revenue = $392,915,500 2010 Audited Financial Statements

IEEE Lines of Operations Expenses Total Expenses = $359,703,000 2010 Audited Financial Statements

Global Initiatives India office opens in Bangalore in 2010 China office completes 2 years of operations from Beijing Singapore office relocates and expands With the largest single-country membership in IEEE, India has been the focus of increased interest by IEEE and officially opened an office in Bangalore in 2010. For several years, IEEE has been expanding its relationships in China and looking for ways to better serve members there. The Beijing office was established in 2008. IEEE also relocated its Singapore office in order to expand IEEE support for members and customers in the Pacific Rim region.. Brazil also is being evaluated as the possible location for another IEEE office. IEEE continues to look across the globe for growth opportunities.

Member and Geographic Activities MGA 8/22/2019

MGA Mission & Vision Vision: Ensure Quality Member Opportunities Through Continuous Engagement Mission: Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage Members of IEEE For the purpose of… - Fulfilling the mission of IEEE - Enhancing the member’s growth and development through their life cycle Providing a professional home Goals Increase member engagement. Improve relationships with and between members. Increase operational efficiency and effectiveness. Enhance collaboration with other business units. Increase membership. 22-Aug-19 16 16

2011 Member & Geographic Activities Board .

Additional MGA Volunteer Structure Note: each committee and Ad Hoc committee is supported by MGA staff

Organization Grouped into geographic areas reflecting where we live and work … 10 Geographic Regions 333 Sections within Regions 1,855 Student Branches at universities …and technical areas based on our fields and interests. 38 Societies and 7 Technical Councils 2,081 Chapters (within local Sections)


Sections Provide a community of colleagues Members build a network through local Section, Chapter, Student Branch activities Volunteer leaders develop new skills Gain management, teamwork and leadership experience Provide local professional and technical activities Recognize achievements of members and others

Member and Geographic Activities Board Geographic & Technical Unit Relationship + Total Count (as of 31 Dec 2010) Member and Geographic Activities Board Regions Areas Sections (333) Chapters (2,050) Affinity Groups (349) Sub-Sections (50) Student Branches (1,991) Councils (18) SB Chapters (585) SB Affinity Groups (154) Geographic Unit Structure Technical Activities Board Parents - WIE, Consultants, GOLD, LMC IEEE Societies

Technical Activities TA 8/22/2019

Societies & Councils Bring members together with similar technical interests Sponsor conferences, workshops tutorials, seminars, etc Develop publications: Journals, Magazines, Newsletters Recognize member accomplishments

Societies & Councils Aerospace & Electronic Systems Antennas & Propagation Broadcast Technology Circuits & Systems Communications Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Computational Intelligence Computer Consumer Electronics Control Systems Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation Education Electromagnetic Compatibility Electron Devices Engineering in Medicine & Biology Geoscience & Remote Sensing Industrial Electronics Industry Applications Information Theory Instrumentation & Measurement Intelligent Transportation Systems Magnetics Microwave Theory & Techniques

Societies & Councils Technical Councils Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics & Frequency Control Vehicular Technology Technical Councils Biometrics Electronic Design Automation Nanotechnology Sensors Super Conductivity Systems Technology Management Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Oceanic Engineering Photonics Power Electronics Power & Energy Product Safety Engineering Professional Communication Reliability Robotics & Automation Signal Processing Social Implications of Technology Solid-State Circuits

Conferences IEEE Sponsored over 1,200 conferences in 78 countries in 2010 Approximately 450,000 attendees Over $100 million in revenue 70% held in Regions 7-10 (outside U.S.A.)

Publications, Services and Products PSPB 8/22/2019

Publications Nearly 3 million articles in IEEE digital library 7M+ articles downloaded per month More than 2M engineers, scientists and students have “free” access 150 journals, transactions and magazines 17 of the 20 top-cited publications in electrical and electronics engineering

Publications Significant volunteer participation among the 150 IEEE publications 70% of Editors-in-Chief from U.S. However, more than 75% of authors from outside U.S. Nearly one-third from Region 10 (Asia-Pacific)

Award winning IEEE SPECTRUM Magazine print and online Publications Award winning IEEE SPECTRUM Magazine print and online IEEE Spectrum magazine is IEEE’s award-winning flagship publication. Its Website features Spectrum Radio, Webcasts, RSS Feeds and Blogs, among others. The magazine has received such awards as the American Business Media Grand Neal Award for articles on Iraq’s need for stable power and communications, as well as numerous others.

Standards Association SA 8/22/2019

Standards IEEE the leading developer of global industry standards Established standards development program Over 900 published standards; 400 in development. Portfolio of development programs, products, and services Enhanced global adoption of IEEE standards -- IEC, ISO, and ITU. IEEE is the leading developer of global industry standards in a broad-range of industries, including Power and Energy, Biomedical and Healthcare, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Transportation, Nanotechnology, Information Assurance and Battery Technology, among others. The IEEE Standards Association offers an established standards development program noted for its balance, openness, due process, and consensus. In addition to the prominent 802® Standards, IEEE has over 900 other published standards with more than 400 in development. There are approximately 100 new and revised standards annually. IEEE provides a complete portfolio of standards development programs, products, and services including individual and entity membership, working group support services, governance, publishing, and more. IEEE has enhanced global adoption of IEEE standards through partnerships with the International Electrotechnical Commission, the International Standards Organization, and the International Telecommunications Union.

Educational Activities EA 8/22/2019

Education Programs IEEE Expert Now Education Partners Program Skills Certifications IEEE Pre-University Programs Pre-University Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) Accreditation IEEE Expert Now is comprised of more than 65 one-hour interactive online courses in IEEE’s technical areas of interest. Subscriptions are available for Corporate, University, Government and Individual Members. Participants can earn continuing education units and professional development hours. The IEEE Education Partners Program offers online courses from university and corporate institutions at a discount. IEEE also offers several skills certifications. These include the IEEE Computer Society Certified Software Development Professional Program and the Wireless Communications Engineering Technology Certification Program from the IEEE Communications Society. IEEE Pre-University Programs connect engineers and educators. The Pre-University Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) for Sections features IEEE volunteers developing and presenting technical subject matter to pre-university educators in a professional development setting. is a Web site for engineering and engineering education for counselors, teachers, parents and students. It is a joint project of IEEE, IBM and the New York Hall of Science. IEEE also is responsible for carrying out the accreditation process for U.S engineering and engineering technology programs. IEEE also participates in international accreditation activities.

Questions? 8/22/2019