Integrated Satellite Global Energy Data for Climate Studies Investigator: Bing Lin ( Project status: Year 1 ~ 3 complete – Initial flux estimates and process analysis Major components of climate energy cycle @ TOA, surface & within the atmosphere Year 4 (now) – Climatological energy data sets (ocean & land), energy budget, balance, and uncertainty Focus on river discharge, GRACE and other water data to obtain consistent results of global water and energy balances Inter-comparison of different data sets Year 5 – Long-term climatology, relation and interaction between energy and water, global heat transports Science issue: Global energy balance will be analyzed using combined NASA satellite data sets. Approach: Quantify uncertainties in the integrated global energy data; cross-validate climate energy components using both energy and water cycle satellite observations, and analyze energy and water processes Satellite-based data: HOAPS, CERES, ISCCP, and SRB Models: GLDAS Other data: GPCP2, GRACE, AIRS, MODIS, SSM/I Study Particulars: A-train satellite era (2003-2005), and legacy data sets (1985-2005) NEWS linkages: (pull, push, collaborate, external) CERES, ISCCP, SRB, ERBE, RSS, and HOAPS satellite data Rodell – GLDAS & GRACE products Adler – GPCP2 Liu and Wentz – Moisture transports Bosilovich – Model evaluations Schlosser – Water cycle project L'Ecuyer , Olson, Fetzer, Wielicki, McFarlane and Dong– Profiles GEWEX LandFlux Global surface annual mean net heat budgets and their temporal variability for each ocean basins and continents estimated for the period of 1/1/1988 -12/31/2004. Bias errors in global means are about 13 W/m2, which is within the uncertainties of satellite estimates. Updated: August 19, 2009