Change Flow Selection (Imports, Exports, Arrivals and Dispatches)
1. Click on STATISTICS, then BUILD YOUR OWN TABLES from the drop-down menu. 2. Click on Data by Commodity Code from the left hand menu. 30/03/2012
30/03/2012 You will be presented with our default table. This shows: Both EU and Non EU data for all four suites (Imports, Exports, Arrivals and Dispatches, Latest 3 months data for all commodities up to HS2 3. Click on the down arrow next to Flow Type A drop-down menu will appear 4. Click on the tick by (Show All) to deselect everything… 30/03/2012
30/03/2012 5... This will remove the ticks from all the selections 6. Click on the suites you want (in this case Dispatches and Exports) 30/03/2012
Your table now shows total trade for Dispatches and Exports. 30/03/2012