North Town Primary School and Nursery Learning today, leading tomorrow New Parents Evening 2019 North Town Primary School and Nursery Learning today, leading tomorrow
Mr Snowden – Head Teacher Welcome Mr Snowden – Head Teacher
Staff Introduction Mr Snowden – Head Teacher
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Having said all that!! Reading to/with your child is the Number 1 thing you can do to ensure they can cope in this new world.
5 Hours 20 Minutes 1 Hour 10 Minutes
Reading Leads to: Greater confidence Better outcomes Better job prospects Greater levels of pay
The children reminisce
School Uniform
PTA – Committee Member Vicki Hembrow
Early Years arrangements – Stage not Age + We believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to reach their full potential. We implemented Stage not Age in 2012 and have seen positive outcomes for all the children leaving the Early Years at the end of year 2. With the introduction of the new NC we have had to evolve Stage not Age to work alongside the new curriculum, which is built around the ‘mastery’ model of attainment. We now have Stage not Age +. Within the Early Years there are 6 named classes. Your child will be registered in either New Rock Pippins or Golden Pippins. Within these classrooms the children are assigned a class teacher and a classroom as a base. They will experience working with both class teachers in both classrooms.
Early Years arrangements – Stage not Age + Golden Pippins New Rock Pippins Outside Area Middle Area Toilet Learning Zone Children work at any given level when they are ready.
Early Years arrangements – Stage not Age + We understand that children work at any given level when they are ready. Each child is unique and is valued as an individual; we aim to provide a secure foundation through learning and development opportunities based around the needs of each individual child. Regular assessment and observations inform teachers of the children’s level of learning and their stage of development. This then provides the teachers with the information they need to decide which activity the child should partake in and with which teacher to achieve their full potential. We strive to create and maintain partnership with parents and carers, encouraging parents to talk to their child’s class teacher about any concerns. We hold formal meetings with you as parents to discuss your child’s progress and an open discussion will be had about your child’s readiness to learn and the stage that would best support their needs. If you have any further questions about Stage not Age+ please do not hesitate to ask any member of staff.
Universal Infant Free School Meals Since September 2014 all infant age children have been entitled to a free school meal. At North Town we have a 82% take up of hot dinners. Menus will be sent home during one of the induction sessions, along with a form to claim the meal. Within your pack there is form called ‘Application Form for Universal Infant Free School Meals’. Can you ensure that you complete this form. It may also highlight that you maybe eligible to claim Pupil Premium Grant (currently £1,320 a year) – which is given to the school to support your child. Pippins classes go straight to the hall for lunch at 11:45am where they will be assisted in selecting their lunch. If a different option has been chosen e.g. vegetarian, your child will be provided with a card to indicate their lunch choice.
What you need to do Fill in Free School meals menu and return to school by the last induction session July 3rd at the latest. Please send no money. Make sure you have spoken to your child about the menu and they have made any necessary choices. Please let us know of any dietary requirements you child may have, including if they are a vegetarian.
Pupil Premium Grant The government currently allocates additional funding to schools in the form of ‘The Pupil Premium Grant’ in order to help children do their very best. The purpose of Pupil Premium Funding is to raise achievement and improve outcomes for eligible children (those children who are registered as eligible for free school meals and children of service personnel). There is further information on Pupil Premium Grant in your ‘Welcome Pack Booklet’.
Getting Ready for School Your child will need the following items: A named book bag A named PE bag with named PE kit and named trainers A named lunch box if having packed lunches A named drink of water and a named piece of fruit for morning break time Please name each item of the school uniform
Induction Sessions Wednesday 12th June Group 1 – 9.00am to 10.00am – School Hall Group 2 – 10.15am to 11.15am – School Hall Thursday 20th June Group 1 – 9.00am to 10.00am – Classroom Group 2 – 10.15am to 11.15am – Classroom Tuesday 25th June – 9.15am to 11.15am – Classroom (Lunch menus will be given out) Wednesday 3rd July – 9.15am to 11:15am– (Lunch menus to be returned) Home Visits- Home visits provide personal 1:1 time for you and your child to get to know the adults your child will be working with, and an opportunity for you to ask any questions.
Transition into school. The first day of school will be Wednesday 4th September, your child will be either in the; Morning session 8:50am-11:30 Afternoon session 1:00pm-3:15pm. Thursday 5th September, as above but your child will be in the alternate session. Friday 6th September, all children in all day 8:50am-3:15pm. Monday 9th September all children in all day 8:50am- 3:15pm
Transition into school. During the Wednesday and Thursday we would like 1 parent/carer to join their child in school. During this time you will experience alongside your child their new classroom environment, establish some classroom routines and get to know the adults all working within the Pippins areas. There will also be an opportunity for you to experience a phonics session and maths session. All information regarding transition into school and the dates and times your child is expected in school will be in your ‘Welcome packs’.
The first week… 9th September During your child’s first week they will begin to experience life at North Town School and Nursery. They will have a tour of the school in small groups seeing all the classrooms and meeting all staff. They will begin phonics sessions. They will complete maths activities involving counting, matching, singing counting songs and number recognition. Staff will begin to complete the schools Baseline Assessments to give us an accurate picture of the children’s learning and areas for development. The children will take part in circle games, parachute games and getting to know you games to begin getting to know their class mates and to start forming friendships. They will go to lunch everyday in the hall. They will familiarise themselves with the whole environment.
Classroom Activities Check the spelling of your child’s name and add the preferred name if applicable on the master class sheets Pick up your Welcome Booklet and School Starter Pack containing numerous form for you to complete and sign. Please can all these forms be returned to school by Tuesday 18th June. Ask any questions
Tonight’s presentation is available on our website Thank you Tonight’s presentation is available on our website