Revising for GCSE Mathematics Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Don’t Panic! Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Don’t leave it until the last minute! Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Do Maths questions! The only way to revise Maths is to do Maths. You will do much better spending 20 minutes doing Maths questions than spending two hours just reading a textbook. Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Get your own calculator (Make sure it is in ‘DEG’ mode) Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Revise with friends. Help each other work towards a common goal Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Get help! Teacher Friend/Brother/Sister Internet Mrs Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Use your book Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Find somewhere quiet to revise Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Plan exactly when you are going to revise, and be strict with yourself. Don’t just wake up one Saturday and say that you are going to be revising all day, because you probably won’t get a lot done. Say that you will work from 10 until 11, then take a half hour break, then work until 12.30, then have some nice lunch, then do another hour, then go for a walk, and so on. If you are only revising in small chunks, and if you know the next break is just around the corner, your revision it likely to be much more focused and effective. Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Use post-it notes for key formulae around the house Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics DIAGRAMS: Almost all diagrams are NOT drawn to scale. Many students ignore this fact. They simply measure angles and lines without calculating them and consequently get no marks. Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics ‘Explain’, ‘Give a reason’, ‘Describe’ etc So many marks are lost because students do not explain or give a reason Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics SHOW YOUR WORKING!!! Working out MUST be shown. There are a lot of method marks available and it is recommended that all relevant stages of working are shown. Incorrect answer and no working gains no marks If correct working is shown and a careless error results in an incorrect answer you could gain 4 out of 5 marks available Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics
Revising for GCSE Mathematics Plan exactly when you are going to revise Don’t Panic! Do Maths questions! Don’t leave it until the last minute! Find somewhere quiet to revise Get your own calculator Use post-it notes Revise with friends. Use your book Get help! Mr Adam Goodridge – Director of Mathematics