Interest-Group Participation In American Democracy
Interest Groups Organizations or associations of people with common interests that engages in politics on behalf of its members.
Free-Rider Problem Problem that arises when people can enjoy the benefits of group activities without bearing any of the costs.
Public and Private Goods Public Goods—Goods that you can enjoy without contributing…by free-riding on the efforts of those who do. Private Goods—Goods that you must purchase to enjoy, and your consumption of which means that others cannot consume them.
Union Membership Has Declined Significantly Since Mid-Century
Selective Benefits Side benefits of belonging to an organization that are limited to contributing members of the organization.
Lobbying Interest-group activities intended to influence directly the decisions that public officials make.
Grassroots Lobbying Efforts by groups and associations to influence elected officials indirectly, by arousing their constituents.
Political Action Committee (PAC) Specialized organization for raising and contributing campaign funds.
PACs Formed Rapidly After the 1974 Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) Reforms
Sub-government Alliance of a congressional committee, a bureaucratic agency, and a small number of allied interest groups that combine to dominate policy making in some specified policy area.
Issue Network A loose constellation of larger numbers of committees, agencies, interest groups and policy experts active in a particular policy area.