Thanks to Sarah Hart Smith for the inspiration: Resource created collaboratively by Jade Kelly-Smith Louise Clark Shelley Carew Lauren Whitford-Stark Lydia Grellier
TOPIC: Medieval medicine Historical 5 a day TOPIC: Medieval medicine How useful to an historian studying medieval medicine? P I C T U R E Source A- from a book sharing medical ideas, 1284 People and Terminology Match key terms and definitions P A N D A Doctrine of Signatures Included urine analysis for diagnosis and using herbal medicines and balms for treatments. Miasma Theory A person’s health was affected by the position of the planets, as were the best times to treat them. Natural treatments This taught that God created illnesses. To treat illness, prayer was a popular treatment. Astrology The idea that bad smells caused illness. Based on observation but mistaken. Chronology Number these events in the order in which they happened: Plan your answer Explain the significance of Galen on medical progress (8) Roger Bacon is imprisoned for encouraging scientific observation. The church approves of Hippocrates and Galen’s work for training physicians. Hippocrates taught clinical observation and the Theory of the four humours. SOURCE Chronology: 3 2, 1 (Bacon imprisoned 1277/79) Context – List three people who would provide medical treatment in the middle ages, and describe their training: 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
TOPIC: medieval progress Historical 5 a day How useful to an historian studying Islamic medicine? P I C T U R E Source A- a modern representation of an Islamic hospital in Bagdad in the 11th Century. People and Terminology Match key terms and definitions P A N D A John Arderne Some believed that Pus cleaned away infection, but Hugh of Lucca noticed that alcohol (wine) worked much better. Cauterise A tool developed during war to remove arrow heads from wounds without causing more damage. Antiseptic Applying great heat to burn the edges of wounds to stop bleeding. Arrow Cup Battlefield surgeon who developed a painkilling ointment made from Opium and hemlock. His books were widely read by other surgeons. Chronology Number these events in the order in which they happened: . Plan your answer Has superstition and religion helped and hindered medical progress in the Middle Ages? Arderne writes the Practice of Surgery, advising doctors on how to behave. Avicenna writes ‘Canon of Medicine’, in use until 1700s. Padua university was set up in Italy for the training of physicians. Avicenna 1025 Padua 1222 Arderne book 1370 Context – List three ways that church hospitals would care for the sick : 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
TOPIC: medieval public health Historical 5 a day How useful when studying prevention of the Black Death?? P I C T U R E Source A- Written by Robert of Avesbury, Chronicle (c. 1360) about his experiences. A Chronicle is a written account of local events. People and Terminology Match key terms and definitions P A N D A In 1349 over six hundred men came to London from France… Each wore a cap marked with a red cross in front and behind. They marched naked and whipped themselves with scourges on their naked bleeding bodies. Sanitation Estimate of the % of people killed by the Black Death epidemic Buboes Medieval toilet over a cesspit or stream. 50 Swellings in the armpits, a symptom of the black death. Latrine/ privy Systems for water supply and waste disposal. Number these events in the order in which they happened: . Chronology Plan your answer Compare public health in medieval towns and monasteries. In what ways were they different? (8) Many peasants refused to work for Lords in the way they had before. Coventry established waste disposal sites and bans toilets over streams. Black Death arrives in England Black death arrives 1348 Coventry bans toilets over streams 1421 Many peasants refused to work for Lords in the way they had before. They expected more freedom. Context – Describe three popular explanations of the Black Death at the time. 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
Historical 5 a day P I P C A T N D A U R E TOPIC: The Renaissance 1. How useful? A 1962 painting, by Robert Thom, of simply reading Galen’s descriptions aloud: his students found this a fascinating new way to learn P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Andreas Vesalius Ambroise Pare William Harvey Renaissance Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Compare Medieval anatomy with Renaissance anatomy. In what ways were they different? (8) Pare’s method of using ligatures during amputations Vesalius’ challenging of Galen’s work Printing press allowed new ideas to spread quickly Context – List 3 consequences of the Renaissance era 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
Historical 5 a day P I P C A T N D A U R E TOPIC: The Beginnings of Change How useful? An amputation scene from a text on surgery, c.1620 P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Quackery Thomas Sydenham John Hunter Charles II Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Compare the Black Death in the fourteenth century with the Great Plague in the seventeenth century. In what ways were they similar? (8) Hospital boom takes place in 1720-1750 The Great Plague arrives in London John Hunter experiments on himself to test scientific methods Context – List 3 Medieval beliefs about the causes of the Great Plague 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
Historical 5 a day P I P C A T N D A U R E TOPIC: The Beginnings of Change How useful? A cartoon drawn in 1802 by James Gillray P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Edward Jenner Vaccination Inoculation Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Explain the significance of vaccinations in the development of medicine (8) Parliament agrees to give Jenner £10,000 for his research In 1721, inoculation became popular due to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Edward Jenner tests his theory out on a young 8 year old boy Context – List 3 reasons people were opposed to vaccination: 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
TOPIC: Pasteur & Germ Theory Historical 5 a day How useful? Source A: Political cartoon from French a French newspaper in 1886. The syringe says ‘virus rabique’ (‘rabies virus’ in English). P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Louis Pasteur spontaneous generation Germ Theory chicken cholera Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Explain the significance of Germ Theory in the development of medicine (8) Pasteur successfully tests rabies vaccine on a human Germ Theory published Vaccination for chicken cholera discovered Context – List three reactions to Pasteur’s Germ Theory in Britain: 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
Historical 5 a day P I P C A N D A T U R E TOPIC: Koch & Ehrlich 1. 2. How useful? Source A: An advertising poster for Hamlin’s Wizard Oil, from around 1890. P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Robert Koch Paul Ehrlich microbe hunting magic bullets Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Koch identifies the first specific microbe (anthrax) William Cheyne translates Koch’s work into English Franco-Prussian War Plan your answer Compare treatments of disease in the Middle Ages and the first half of the 19th century. In what ways were they similar? (8) Context – List 3 ‘magic bullets’ developed by Paul Ehrlich with the disease each one treats: 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
TOPIC: Revolution in surgery Historical 5 a day TOPIC: Revolution in surgery How useful? Source A: A photograph of an operating room c.1900. P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A James Simpson Joseph Lister ‘Black Period’ of surgery Aseptic surgery Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Explain the significance of antiseptics in the development of surgery (8) Lister reads Pasteur’s Germ Theory Simpson discovers chloroform Queen Victoria uses chloroform Context – List three reasons why people opposed the use of chloroform or carbolic acid in surgery: 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
TOPIC: 19th Century public health Historical 5 a day TOPIC: 19th Century public health How useful? Source A: ‘A Court for King Cholera’ by John Leech, Punch magazine, 1852. P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Miasma Laissez-faire The Great Stink Cholera Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Compare the Black Death in the Middle Ages with the Cholera epidemics in the 19th century. In what ways were they similar? (8) Context – List 3 reasons why public health was so poor during the Industrial Revolution: 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
TOPIC: Revolution public health Historical 5 a day TOPIC: Revolution public health How useful? Source B: Joseph Bazalgette (top right) at the northern outfall sewer being built below London’s Abbey Mills pumping station. c.1800 P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Edwin Chadwick Dr John Snow Joseph Bazalgette Contagion Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Was the role of individuals the main factor in the development of public health in Britain, during the Industrial Revolution?’ Explain your answer with reference to individuals and other factors. 16 marks, 4 SPaG Dr John Snow’s discovery Bazalgette designs first sewer Chadwick Report published Context – List three government initiatives to improve public health in the 19th century. 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
TOPIC: Modern treatment of disease Historical 5 a day TOPIC: Modern treatment of disease How useful? Source A: Distaval thalidomide advertisement, 1961 P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Penicillin Alexander Fleming Pharmaceuticals Alternative medicine Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Compare the work of Louis Pasteur and the work of Chain and Florey. In what ways are they similar? (8) Chain and Healy mass produce penicillin Fleming discovers penicillin NHS launches campaign to reduce anti-biotic demand Context – List three methods of ‘alternative’ medical treatment used in the 20th century: 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
TOPIC: Modern Public Health Historical 5 a day TOPIC: Modern Public Health How useful? Source A: A government poster issued during the Second World War encouraging civilians to grow vegetables. P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Charles Booth Seebohm Rowntree David Lloyd George Laissez-Faire Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Has the role of the Government been the Main factor in improving Public Health in Britain since Medieval times? (16) The Boer War Second World War First World War Context – List 3 ways the Liberal government helped health from 1906-1914: 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
TOPIC: Modern impact of war Historical 5 a day TOPIC: Modern impact of war How useful? Source A: These photos show the facial reconstruction of a soldier wounded during the Battle of the Somme in 1916, by surgeon Harold Gillies. P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Shell-shock Dwight Harken Karl Landsteiner Christian Barnard Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Has war been the main factor in the development of surgery in Britain since Medieval times? Explain your answer with reference to war and other factors. 16 marks, 4 SPaG The governments of both Britain and America money to drug companies to develop penicillin. British National Blood Transfusion Service opens Keller-Blake splint is developed Context – List three new technologies that were developed as a result of war : 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
Historical 5 a day P I P C A N D A T U R E TOPIC: Modern Public Health How useful? Source A: In 2003, the British Government launched a “five a day” campaign to encourage people to eat more fruit and Vegetables. P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Sir William Beveridge Aneurin Bevan Welfare State N.H.S Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Explain the Significance of the development of the NHS on public health in Britain. (8) NHS set up Second World War ends Beveridge Report published Context – List the 5 “giants” from the Beveridge Report : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:
Historical 5 a day P I P C A T N D A U R E TOPIC: Modern treatment of Disease Historical 5 a day How useful? Source A: An anti-smoking poster issued by the Health Education Authority, London, and printed in 1988. P I C T U R E People and Terminology P A N D A Radiation Therapy Keyhole Surgery Antibiotic Resistance W.H.O Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Has War been the main factor leading to improvements in surgery? (16) Endoscopes developed Crick & Watson discover DNA The first baby born by IVF treatment Context – List three examples of alternative or complementary medicine: 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why: