Earth Day
All people are encouraged to realise that it is everyone’s responsibility to take care of the environment Become actively involved Make healthy lifestyle choices Support sustainable and equitable development
Preservation of the environment Celebrated on the 22nd of April Largest, most widely celebrated international environmental event Efforts to protect plants and animals and to clean up the world are celebrated Did you know ... ... The first official International Earth Day was celebrated in 1990?
Class Discussion: Why is important to discuss these things? In 1990, this international event reminded presidents and other world leaders about how important it is to protect the earth Later on the presidents and other world leaders took part in the first United Nations Earth Summit where they discussed: Climate Change Indigenous Cultures Species Class Discussion: Why is important to discuss these things?
This is the world you get to grow up in, what will you do to change it?
Video Give Earth a Hand:
R educe R euse We need to take responsibility for what we use, how we use it and when we use it R ecycle
What can you do to help? Build a community food garden Make your own compost Organise a community or school clean up Make donations to environmental organisations
Can you think of any other ways? Task: quietly with a partner you are going to brainstorm some ideas without talking – only writing! You have 5 minutes!
Activity When and where is Earth Day celebrated? What is the purpose of Earth Day? In your own words, explain what reduce, reuse and recycle means. Write a short paragraph explaining some of the ways you can help in celebrating Earth Day. Exit Ticket: design a bumper sticker to promote Earth Day and hand it in before you leave!
Resources Bolton, R. (2015). Earth Day 2015. Retrieved 2015, from Arthur W. Page Society: Clitheroe, F., Dilley, L., Naidoo, R., Perez, N. and Pickering, R. (2013). Oxford Successful Life Orientation Learner's Book. South Africa: Oxford University Press. Earth Day Network. (2014). Earth Day: The History of a Movement. Retrieved 2015, from Earth Day Network: Greenpeace. (2010). Give Earth a Hand. Retrieved 2015, from YouTube: