N Sensing A Retailers Perspective Danny Peeper Wheeler Brothers Grain Watonga OK
Introduction Company background What we have experienced Concerns Economic possibilities Discussion
Company Background 17 Locations Grain, Fertilizer, Chemical
Why Are We Interested Customer Focused Business Better producer economics Yield Goal History Added service Environmentally Friendly Produce In The Good Years
Historical Program Provide soil sampling 60# DAP in drill Additional 40# N if grazing Topdress 30-40# N Normally applied to late
Our N-Rich Strip Use 2 Years of Serious Interest 600-1000 plots annually Results No rain in 05 Delayed planting in 06
Our Equipment 3 rates Portable Storage
Retailer Concerns I will sell less fertilizer True only if: Farmers are overapplying nitrogen Traditional rate Have money to overspend You have never seen any N deficiencies It will not work on grazed wheat
What’s the Answer There will be years with no N required Spring 05 They would not have applied N anyway I still consider this a success Personally I think it will help us sell more Help reach max yields Traditional rate or yield goal does not work
Responsible Approach How can we recommend an accurate N rate visually Producers need a correct rate by field by year Historically overused products Atrazine Legal issues on groundwater Poultry litter Time to do a better job
Retailer Marketing Must be a profitable venture Increase fertilizer sales Increase producer profitability He can’t spend what he doesn’t have Total package solution
Producer Concerns I don’t want tracks I don’t want flags What are you trying to sell me I won’t put on enough fertilizer I will put to much fertilizer on It just won’t work in my field
Methods Discussion How big of ramp do you need How do you go back and find it What if you can’t see the ramp Are we representing accurately the field variability How do we get them to pay for it