Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Tuesday, December 2, 2008 Title Page Below are some simple instructions on how to use this template: 1. You can change the text in the graphical screen above or in the outline area to the left. 2. There is one default background that is indicated by “--------” .This slide acts as a space or a blank screen, use to clear or blank the screen. If you have a large graphic such as a map you could also use this screen. If you insert a new slide you will get this default background. 3. The first five slides have the other backgrounds for the set. To use more than one of these background types in your presentation highlight the one you wish to use and choose copy from the edit menu. Paste this slide where you want it to appear in your presentation, then change the text on this new slide. By copy/pasting the slide in this manor you will keep the background, text formatting and the customized animation from that slide. By using the copy/paste method you find it saves you time and keeps a consistent look through out your presentation. 4.There are a few additional notes written in the slide text wording that may be helpful. Note: We are working on a website that in the future will provide help topics on using sermon outlines in PowerPoint as well as provide sermon templates similar to this one. Check for more information.
Memory Verse Gal 5:16, “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.”
The Upper Room Discourse John 13-16 John 13:27 Demonic Possession
Doctrine of Demon Possession A. Definition. B. Biblical Nomenclature.
C. Demon Possession versus demon influence. D C. Demon Possession versus demon influence. D. Demonism related to idolatry and human sacrifice. E. Two goals of Demon possession.
F. Demon Possession Today. 4 F. Demon Possession Today. 4. The characteristics of demon-possession are varied ranging from mild to severe and even bizarre, for example:
a) Dumbness, blindness, and convulsions.
b) Tendencies to self-destruction b) Tendencies to self-destruction. Mat 17:15; Mark 5:5; Luke 9:42 c) Abnormally violent, Mat 8:28. d) Inflict suffering, illnesses and deformities, Mark 9:20; Luke 9:29, 13:11-17.
e) Insanity, Mark 5:5; Luke 8:26-35, John 10:20 e) Insanity, Mark 5:5; Luke 8:26-35, John 10:20. f) Nakedness in public, Luke 8:27. g) Grinding the teeth, Mark 9:18.
h) Living among dead bodies, Mark 5:3 h) Living among dead bodies, Mark 5:3. i) Superhuman strength, Mark 5:3-4; Luke 8:29; Acts 19:15-16. j) Occult powers, Acts 16:16-18.
Satan uses healers in his false system of religion Satan uses healers in his false system of religion. He orders the removal of a demon induced illness and the person appears to be cured. Mat 24:24; Acts 19:13-14; 2 Thes 2:9; Rev 16:14.
Not all illness comes from demon activity, the Bible distinguishes demon-induced diseases from those due to natural causes, Mat 4:24; Mark 1:32-42; Luke 7:21; 9:1; Acts 5:16.
Mat 4:24, “The news about Him spread throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all who were ill, those suffering with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He healed them.”
G. Demonism and judgment.
1. Demonism and possession was the basis for the administration of capital punishment, Lev 20:27. Authority Orientation is necessary to restrain demonism.
2. Jesus Christ controls history by the restraint of demonism 2. Jesus Christ controls history by the restraint of demonism. Ex 12:12 Cf. Num 33:4.
Ex 12:12, “For I will go through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments—I am the LORD.”
Num 33:4, “While the Egyptians were burying all their firstborn whom the LORD had struck down among them. The LORD had also executed judgments on their gods.”
Demons are powerless to change the course of history. Isa 19:3
3. Many nations are destroyed because of their demon activity, Deut 18:9-12. Military disaster can occur because of demon influenced leadership.
4. The practice of necromancy was the cause of personal judgment to Saul and Manasseh. 1 Chron 10:13-14; 2 Kings 21:2-9
5. Demonism brings the fifth cycle of discipline to a nation 5. Demonism brings the fifth cycle of discipline to a nation. Isa 47; Jer 27:6-10
6. Nebuchadnezzar came to Jerusalem on the basis of divination 6. Nebuchadnezzar came to Jerusalem on the basis of divination. Ezek 21:21ff
Grace Fellowship Church Tuesday, December 2, 2008 Tape # 08-087 Demon Possession, Part 3 Upper Room Discourse, Part 227 John 13:27; Mark 9:14-29; Acts 19:13-14; Deut 18:9-12 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2008