Experience of primary school teachers Table 5. Distribution of experience of primary school teachers according to mean score of knowledge about ADHD (n=500) Experience of primary school teachers Mean score of knowledge of the studied primary school teachers about ADHD (n=500) General information Symptoms & diagnosis Treatment Total knowledge Mean ±SD Training courses about ADHD during college: No 11.01±8.62 7.91±5.80 6.59±6.83 25.51±16.90 Yes 19.04±7.22 13.93±2.69 14.45±6.00 47.43±13.79 Z value P 8.333 0.0001* 9.771 10.230 11.645 Experience in teaching to a child with ADHD: 10.21±8.72 7.90±5.91 7.29±7.19 25.41±18.14 17.16±7.48 11.33±5.00 9.58±7.44 38.08±16.05 8.775 6.418 3.299 0.001* 7.621 Attend an in-service workshop on ADHD: 11.72±8.73 8.53±5.84 7.45±7.12 27.71±17.77 20.84±6.69 14.32±2.05 14.42±6.75 49.58±12.96 6.663 6.455 6.158 7.872 Have read any books or articles on ADHD: 11.11±8.91 8.31±5.93 6.99±7.00 26.41±17.85 18.38±6.33 12.08±4.37 12.50±7.12 42.97±14.60 7.560 5.783 6.899 8.441 Watched any television programs on ADHD: 10.50±8.84 7.49±6.10 6.80±7.49 24.80±18.29 15.80±8.11 11.56±4.37 10.11±6.63 37.47±15.86 6.696 7.997 5.001 7.889 Have searched internet for information on ADHD: 11.41±8.90 8.41±5.85 7.25±7.03 27.07±17.93 18.51±6.43 12.47±4.53 12.44±7.55 43.41±14.89 6.676 5.752 5.888 7.538 Teacher feel confident in his ability to work and support student with ADHD: 8.12±8.30 7.02±5.94 5.52±6.44 20.66±16.16 17.04±7.15 11.10±4.97 10.67±7.32 38.81±15.99 12.855 8.317 8.352 12.618 *Significant (P<0.05) Z value of Mann Whitney Test. Nahla Ashour Safaan et al. Teachers' Knowledge about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Primary School Children. American Journal of Nursing Research, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 2, 42-52. doi:10.12691/ajnr-5-2-2 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.