Quantum One.


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Presentation transcript:

Quantum One

Identical Particles

Observables of Identical Particles Revisited


In this segment we have explored the way that one and two body operators can be represented in Fock space in terms of the annihilation and creation operators associated with any set of single particle states. In an arbitrary representation, a one-body operator removes one particle at a time from the state it is in, and puts it back into other states with different amplitudes. Two body operators operate in a similar fashion, but act on two particles at a time, as their name suggests. In the last segment of this topic, we consider how these ideas apply to continuously indexed single particle states, and use appropriate unitary transformations to introduce the concept of quantum fields, the study of which is referred to as quantum field theory.

In this segment we have explored the way that one and two body operators can be represented in Fock space in terms of the annihilation and creation operators associated with any set of single particle states. In an arbitrary representation, a one-body operator removes one particle at a time from the state it is in, and puts it back into other states with different amplitudes. Two body operators operate in a similar fashion, but act on two particles at a time, as their name suggests. In the last segment of this topic, we consider how these ideas apply to continuously indexed single particle states, and use appropriate unitary transformations to introduce the concept of quantum fields, the study of which is referred to as quantum field theory.

In this segment we have explored the way that one and two body operators can be represented in Fock space in terms of the annihilation and creation operators associated with any set of single particle states. In an arbitrary representation, a one-body operator removes one particle at a time from the state it is in, and puts it back into other states with different amplitudes. Two body operators operate in a similar fashion, but act on two particles at a time, as their name suggests. In the last segment of this topic, we consider how these ideas apply to continuously indexed single particle states, and use appropriate unitary transformations to introduce the concept of quantum fields, the study of which is referred to as quantum field theory.

In this segment we have explored the way that one and two body operators can be represented in Fock space in terms of the annihilation and creation operators associated with any set of single particle states. In an arbitrary representation, a one-body operator removes one particle at a time from the state it is in, and puts it back into other states with different amplitudes. Two body operators operate in a similar fashion, but act on two particles at a time, as their name suggests. In the last segment of this topic, we consider how these ideas apply to continuously indexed single particle states, and use appropriate unitary transformations to introduce the concept of quantum fields, the study of which is referred to as quantum field theory.