R.K. Narayan Like the Sun
Verbal Irony The speaker says one thing, but means another. Examples You drop your brand new iPhone 5 in the toilet. You say, “Oh great. This is fantastic!” Sarcasm Mrs. Talbot LOVES it when you don’t do your homework. It makes her so happy. Seriously, it makes her feel happier than puppy dogs, butterflies, and ice cream sandwiches on a hot summer day.
Dramatic Irony When the reader knows something that the character does not know. Example: In Romeo and Juliet, the audience knows Juliet took a sleeping pill and is not truly dead, but Romeo believes she killed herself.
From: www.theoatmeal.com Dramatic Irony From: www.theoatmeal.com
Situational Irony When a character expects one thing to happen, but something entirely different occurs. Example: One example from Romeo and Juliet is when Romeo's attempt to establish peace between Mercutio and Tybalt leads to Mercutio's death and an escalation of the war between the Montagues and the Capulets.
Situational irony
Situational irony groups Dramatic irony groups Groups 1, 3, 5, 7 Find an example of situational irony in the story Like the Sun. On your poster, list the type of irony, definition, and a few sentences explaining the example you found. Draw a phenomenal picture that illustrates the action that took place. Groups 2, 4, 6, 8 Find an example of dramatic irony in the story Like the Sun. On your poster, list the type of irony, definition, and a few sentences explaining the example you found. Draw a phenomenal picture that illustrates the action that took place. In your groups…
Dramatic Irony When the reader knows something that the character does not know Examples: The reader knows that Sekhar doesn’t like the headmaster’s singing but the headmaster doesn’t know it. The reader knows that Sekhar doesn’t like his wife’s cooking, but she doesn’t know it
Situational Irony When a character expects one thing to happen, but something entirely different occurs. Examples from the story: The wife expects her husband to say that her food is wonderful, but he says it’s terrible. The headmaster expects that the teacher will say his singing is wonderful, but the teacher says it is lousy. The teacher thinks the headmaster is mad at him because he did not finish grading the 100 papers, but the headmaster invites him to his house. The headmaster expects a compliment, but Sekhar says his singing is bad.