Ideas from Others A lightning talk on employability in Library teaching and learning Doug Broadbent-Yale Library Teachmeet @ Canterbury Christ Church University 16/07/2019
Introduction Employability in HE and at the UEA Outside help? Certification in online resources Inside help? Collaboration with others on campus Further Ideas Conclusion UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019
Employability at University UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019
Employability at University Practical, vocational courses Abstract, academic courses Underpinning of consistent transferrable skills Degree apprenticeships Employability at University in general – difference between practical/vocational courses: accounting, law, photography, engineering Vs. more abstract/academic courses: English literature, history, geography However, all courses should provide an underpinning in cross applicable skills: creative and critical thinking, teamwork and communication, digital and information literacy skills and Universities UK promoting Degree apprenticeships yesterday gives an indication of the desire for more employability focussed options for students Image source: UEA Asset Bank UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019
Employability at the UEA UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019
Career Central Self service Face to face Online Self service Image source: UEA Asset Bank Self service - MyCareerCentral portal of job, internship and volunteering opportunities In person Quick Query 15mins Guidance appointment 45mins Mock interviews 1hr (recorded to video) Online - Information on career options and ideas – case studies, interviews and videos with alumni etc. UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019
Certification in Online Resources Outside help? Certification in Online Resources UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019
Business School Employability week – November 2018 and 2019 Numerous sessions on huge variety of topics Four sessions organised by the Library – bringing in outside speakers Space for more employability in Library sessions? Transferable vs practical skills Benefits to Law and Business Students – resources such as Westlaw, Lexis, Justis One UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019
Collaboration with others on campus Inside help? Collaboration with others on campus UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019
Working with Careers Colleagues What can the library offer to advisors? What skills do library staff have that could be useful for students? What can we as library workers learn from our colleagues in the Careers Centre? Careers centres and libraries offer many similar things but in different areas: resources, guidance and expertise In the institutions and roles that I have worked at there has been almost complete separation between the Library and Careers Centre; whilst there was a close working relationship between the Library, Technology enhanced learning, IT, and Student Support departments. What learn from our Careers colleagues? UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019
Further ideas ‘Living Library’ events Alumni events Digital skills week ‘Living Library’ events researchers (‘books’) are ‘borrowed’ by visitors who ‘read’ them by asking them questions about their research and plans for the future. Transferrable skills include: communication, ability to describe complex research quickly and clearly in plain English and opportunities to network with other researchers Alumni events Many students will appreciate seeing where others from their course have gone on to work. My colleague Kate Squire organised a session in the Business department at the Norwich Central Library with current and past students and a collection of relevant speakers. Although it was quite well attended the downside she described was the large amount of work she put in to a relatively short experience for students. Digital skills week This could be as broad or specific as you want it to be! Previous sessions run in the past at the University of Sussex include: A makerspace Introduction to coding Creating accessible digital documents Introduction to Podcasting Using 360 degree GoPros to create VR content (library tour) Most of these ideas were not conceived of in order to promote an employability agenda, however, when given an opportunity to reflect on the skills that the attendees have engaged and improved during the session from an employability perspective, I am sure that students would be able to come up with a large number of constructive thoughts regarding their experiences. UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019
“Best transferable skill: Being able to transfer your skills” UK Commission for Employment and Skills, UKCES. (2009). ‘The Employability Challenge’. London UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019
Email: THANK YOU Any questions? Email: Thank you for your time, do you have any questions? UEA: Employability in Library Teaching – 16/07/2019