Welcome New Families! Pack ______________ ______________ District 10/4/2019 Welcome New Families! Pack ______________ ______________ District Northeast Illinois Council, BSA
10/4/2019 Introductions Leadership: New Families: -Icebreaker
10/4/2019 Mission of the BSA To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Scout Oath On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. Scout Law A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.
Preparing Young People 10/4/2019 Preparing Young People *John Templeton Foundation & Tufts University Study 2015
How Cub Scouting Works Scouting is Family-Oriented 10/4/2019 How Cub Scouting Works Scouting is Family-Oriented Youth from kindergarten through 5th grade can join The Cub Scout Den Groups of Boys or Girls of the same grade The Cub Scout Pack All age groups combined The Cub Scout Committee A group of parent volunteers, helping plan meetings and events The Chartering Organization Our chartering organization is _____________________
Cub Scout Dens Lions Tigers Wolves Bears Webelos Kindergarten 10/4/2019 Cub Scout Dens Lions Kindergarten Tigers First Grade Wolves Second Grade Bears Third Grade Webelos Fourth & Fifth Grade
10/4/2019 Meeting Meeting Dates: Summer Fun Activities:
What’s the Cost? Starter Pack $65 Cub Scout Shirt 10/4/2019 Starter Pack $65 Cub Scout Shirt Starting Set of Patches Neckerchief & Slide Book BSA Dues $45 12 months of BSA Membership 12 month subscription to Boy’s Life Magazine Pack Dues ____ Youth Recognition (Patches) Program Supplies Subsidize Events Scholarships available for all fees excluding pack dues. Contact Emily Prymula if you are interested in learning more. (Emily.prymula@scouting.org). All scholarship requests are confidential.
Our Activities Add information about your Pack’s specific activities.
Popcorn Sale Enter info if you participate in the Trail’s End popcorn sale
How Can You Help What does it take to be a volunteer? 10/4/2019 How Can You Help What does it take to be a volunteer? Desire to work with young people Willingness to make time in your week NOT NEEDED: Experience What do you receive in return? Fun and fellowship with other families and your own Sharing pride in the kids’ accomplishments Opportunity to make a difference
10/4/2019 Questions?