Traut Core Knowledge Elementary School 4th Grade Curriculum Aug/Sept October November December January February March April May Spelling List 1-5 List 6-10 List 11-14 List 15-17 List 18-21 List 22-25 List 26-28 List 29-32 List 33-36 Language Arts Fourth grade Core Knowledge Language Arts and handwriting skills will be integrated and taught with various content subjects throughout the year ~ creative, narrative & expository writing assignments: poetry: summaries; book reports; skills in grammar & usage; Daily Oral Language (DOL); Sayings and Phrases Reading Magic Brocade, Fire on the Mountain, Pollyanna The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle Robin Hood Saint George and the Dragon and King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Treasure Island Robinson Crusoe Gulliver's Travels Math Place Value, Adding & Subtracting Whole Numbers Time & Graphing Multiplying by 1-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers Dividing by 1-Digit Numbers 2-Digit Numbers Geometry & Measurement Fractions, Mixed Numbers Decimals Review, End of Year Assessments Science Chemistry Earth and its Changes Meteorology, Science Fair Science Fair, Circulatory System Respiratory System Electricity, Colorado History Colorado History US/World Civilizations Medieval China, The Spread of Islam Early/Medieval African Kingdoms Europe in the Middle Ages French and Indian War, American Revolution American Revolution, Making a Constitutional Government Making a Constitutional Government Presidents & Reformers Geography Integrated and taught with U.S. and World Civilization throughout the year