Presented by: Jill O’Meara and Liz Urbano January 2019 The Georgia Performance Standards Welcome to TARGET Presented by: Jill O’Meara and Liz Urbano January 2019 Implications for Gifted Students
5 years in Gifted Education The Georgia Performance Standards Jill O’Meara Eastvalley, Gifted Specialist 30th year of teaching 5 years in Gifted Education 21 years at Eastvalley Implications for Gifted Students
14 years in Gifted Education The Georgia Performance Standards Liz Urbano Eastvalley Gifted Specialist 29th year of teaching 14 years in Gifted Education 5 years at Eastvalley Implications for Gifted Students
Target Schedule 2019 Welcome back! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 4th Grade 3rd Grade 2nd Grade 5th Grade 1st Grade
Learning Characteristics of Children The Georgia Performance Standards Learning Characteristics of Children THE BRIGHT CHILD Is interested Has good ideas Learns with ease 6-8 repetitions for mastery Good memorizer Answers the questions asked by teacher Enjoys straightforward presentation Is pleased with his/her learning THE GIFTED CHILD Is highly curious Has wild, silly ideas Already knows 1-2 repetitions for mastery Good guesser Discusses in detail, elaborates Thrives on complexity of issues Is highly self-critical Implications for Gifted Students
The Georgia Performance Standards Typical Target Day Convergent, Divergent, Evaluative Thinking, and Relationships & Connections Implications for Gifted Students
GPS + AL Standards = Target The Georgia Performance Standards Our Target Program GPS + AL Standards = Target (Enrichment, Extension and Experiences) Service Learning Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Creativity/Student Choice Problem Based Learning Communication, Collaboration and Self-Reflection Primary Algebra and Hands on Equations (HOE) Our focus is a “mixed bag” Differentiated with your child’s unique giftedness in mind Designed with standards in mind Core curriculum /Georgia Performance standards ALP standards Implications for Gifted Students
Affective Growth Standards Self-Directed Learners: Establish and work toward short and long-term goals Persevere in the face of obstacles Set appropriately high standards for work and behavior Take initiative to pursue opportunities to share and use abilities Seek opportunities for self-growth through risk-taking, curiosity, and use of complexity and imagination
Affective Growth
The Georgia Performance Standards Algebraic Thinking Hands-On Equations (HOE) and Verbal Equations (3rd-5th Grade) Primary Algebra (1st & 2nd Grade) Implications for Gifted Students
Weekly Target Tally
Target Student Expectations The Georgia Performance Standards Target Student Expectations Target students will …. Have necessary materials Complete assignments in class Complete homework assignments Return signed Target Tally each week Strive to become self-directed learners Implications for Gifted Students
January 2019 First Grade- Leonardo da Vinci and PACE (Primary, Algebra, Cognitive, Extensions) Second Grade- Geronimo (Flight) Third- Beyond the Looking Glass (Mysteries) Fourth- Survivor and Rube Goldberg (Contraptions) Fifth- IGNITE/Genius Hour/Roller Coasters STEM is integrated into all grade levels
This Year…. Target Progress Reports are sent home twice during the year (December and May) 2nd and 3rd eat lunch from 12:36-1:06 1st, 4th, and 5th eat lunch from 11:17-11:47 All grade levels attend specials with their homeroom class
Parent Communication Target Tally Phone Calls Conferences Blog/E-mail The Georgia Performance Standards Parent Communication Target Tally Phone Calls Conferences Blog/E-mail Jill.o’ Implications for Gifted Students
Thank you for attending! Are there any questions? We look forward to a great year!