jaguar Type of animal: mammal Life span of a jaguar: 12 to 15 years Scientific name: Panthera onca Size: 5 to 6 feet; tail: 27.5 to 36 inches Type of animal: mammal Life span of a jaguar: 12 to 15 years Group name: a shadow IUNC red list rating: near threatened
jaguar Did you know that a jaguars faviroute meal is Tapirs and they mostly lay on low branches tracking down their prey. Jaguars sleep in low branches and they can kill their prey with just one bite.
Did you know unlike many other cats, jaguars do not avoid water; in fact, they are quite good swimmers. Rivers provide prey in the form of fish, turtles, or caimans—small, alligator like animals. Jaguars also eat larger animals such as deer, peccaries, capybaras, and tapirs. The jaguar is the 3rd largest of the big cats after the tiger and the lion and it is the largest of all the big cats in the Americas.
If jaguars were to go extinct it would have a major impact the ecosystem. Species are linked together by the ecosystem if something were to happen to one species then overtime it is bound to impact all. If jaguars were to go extinct then it would impact all of its prey's. At one time jaguars roamed all the way to the US-Mexico border, but jaguars are now only occasionally sighted in Texas and Arizona. Most jaguars are found in the Amazon river basin. Their fur is usually tan or orange with black spots, called “rosettes” because they are shaped like roses.
Facts of jaguar Jaguars live alone and mark their territory with their waste or by clawing trees.