The Life of David 1 David, the future king 1 Samuel 16-31 The preserving grace of God 2 David, the triumphant king 2 Samuel 1-10 God’s enriching grace 3 David, the troubled king 2 Samuel 11 to 1 Kings 2 God’s over-coming, forgiving grace
Stories of David Samuel anointing David as the future king, David and Goliath and David defeating the Amalekites.
Principles All revival starts with mourning over the sin of the people. God sees things differently. Goliath was not Israel’s main problem. The main problem was Israel’s lack of faith in God and His promises to them. David backsliding from God and his life falling apart. David strengthened himself in the Lord God’s unseen hand David recognised that all he had achieved and gained was from the Lord and that he had a responsibility to share that grace with those who had not been in the battle.
2 Samuel 1
2 Samuel 1 Two days later they receive the deeply troubling news that Israel has been defeated by the Philistines and both Saul and Jonathan were dead.
2 Samuel 1 Sounds totally logical. Saul had spent many years hating David and trying to kill him. David must have hated Saul and wanted to see him dead. This is the way of the world! But David did not follow the way of the world. The Amalekite got it totally wrong.
You and me? The Amalekite and David looked at life in very different ways. They represented two ways of approaching life that are very much with us today.
The Amalekite approach to life Self-serving expediency. He saw Saul’s death as a chance to get ahead, to enrich himself. He took the credit for something he had not done, and leveraged it, hoping that David would be so grateful to him. A promotion, a place of influence in the new dispensation, A reward.
The Amalekite approach to life There are no absolutes. Each person is free to decide what is right and wrong based their own comfort and convenience. If I benefit from it, it must be right… right?
The Amalekite approach to life The results… Moral ambiguity Callousness, immorality, crime, drug abuse, school shootings. Everyone does what is right in their own eyes.
David’s approach to life There are certain moral absolutes to guide us. We should not live in a self-seeking, self-advancing manner. His ascension to the throne of Israel as the absolute priority in his life. Resentment and hatred control and dominate him. But he did not!
David’s approach to life How did David become like this? How did David become so selfless? How did he come to believe that there is a moral absolute governing and guiding him?
David’s approach to life It had been clearly revealed by God. Leviticus 19:17-18 Deuteronomy 32 Verse 14, the anointed of the Lord must be treated with respect.
Our own lives Which approach to life we are living by? The world is full of the Amalekite approach to life. We are called to embrace David’s approach to life.
Reasons For our own good in this world. Look at what happened to the Amalekite and to David. One day we will be called on to give an account before God for the way we have lived our lives.
The Greatest Example Is not David, But one of his descendants, Jesus!
Power Power to defeat the Amalekite that lives in all of us Power to live the life Jesus calls us to live.