Company logo (THIS SLIDE ONLY) Paper title Presenter’s Name Company details
Instructions to presenters Presentation of your paper must not exceed 12 minutes. Q&A session will follow, thereafter. Your company logo is only allowed on the title page. No commercial advertising will be allowed in the presentations. The presenter needs to submit a biography when submitting his/her presentation. The template for the biography is also available for download on the Cigre SA website. Authors and presenters are reminded to register for the conference by visiting the conference website: http://www.cigresa-
Font sizing guidelines Use “Arial Black” font size 28 for slide headings Use Arial font size 20 for level 1, 2 and 3 text Level 2 Level 3 If font size reduction is required to fit text on one slide – do not use anything smaller than 16pt This is 16 pt text
Table example 1. Use “Arial” font size 12 pt and above 2. Ensure all text in tables is visible and legible 3.
Graph example Use “Arial” font size 12 pt and above for axis labels
Submit presentations before: 23rd August 2019 on easychair.