Speaking the language of publishing. Worldwide Klopotek User Group 2012 Webtrace 3.5.3
What is Webtrace? Webtrace is a tool to send and track messages to customer service of Klopotek. https://webtrace.klopotek.de/
Classificatone: bug, change request, question... Status Priority Search options are: Classificatone: bug, change request, question... Status Priority Registration Dates
Alle items belonging to a customer can be searched for Sorting is possible on an item number, keyword, component, version, status.
The result list can be downloaded to Excel or as HTML
Make a new webtrace entry: Describe your problem and the area where it occurs Give an example where it can be reproduced Classify and prioritize it
Also attachments can be linked and sent
Webtrace Status Model
User options: This is the place to define the email recipients of notifications generated by Webtrace
Advantage for customers: Clear overview of the outstanding issues Quick update on status. Independent of a client installation Webtrace can be started from a browser Email notification for defined users User gets notified if there is a remark added. Lists can be produced The result of a search can be downloaded to Excel
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