European Imperialism in the Middle East The Sykes-Picot Agreement and its Lasting Impact
The Ottoman Empire At its height with Suleiman the Magnificent in mid-16th century Weak leadership, corruption, social unrest, and military defeats led to decline Decentralization allowed nationalism and tribalism to take hold
European Expansion in MENA By the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire known as the "sick man of Europe" European empires expand into North Africa France ---- Algeria (1830) & Tunisia (1878) Britain ---- Egypt & Cyprus (1882) Italy ---- Libya (1912) Ottomans turn to Germany
World War I The Ottoman Empire joins the Central Powers- Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bulgaria Arabs, hungry for self-determination, join the Allied Powers- Britain, France, Italy, Russia, and the US In North Africa, Arabs fought as conscripts for colonial powers Arab Revolt (1916-1918), McMahon- Hussein Correspondence –promise of a unified Arab state "Great Britain will give to the Arabs her advice and will assist them to establish what may appear to be the most suitable forms of government."
Sykes-Picot Agreement Britain and France agree to carve up the Middle East in to mandates Motivations: Resources Ports of entry Railways Betrayal of Arabs
The Balfour Declaration (1917) Letter written by British Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour Sent to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a prominent Zionist leader Expressed Britain's support for Jewish homeland consideration for non-Jewish residents of area not an excuse for mistreatment of Jewish people outside of area
Motivations and Complications right thing to do garner support from Jewish people for the Allied Powers solidify Britain's influence in Palestine Complications: instability in the region Push back domestically
The Map The borders laid out in the Sykes- Picot Agreement have largely remained the same in the Levant. They did not account for the unique ethnic and religious demographics of the region. This disregard has been the root of many violent and protracted conflicts since.
Mandate System League of Nations, 1919 French Mandates: Lebanon Syria British Mandates: Palestine Transjordan Mosul, Baghdad, Basra (Iraq)