oral Academy’s 2015-2016 Open House
Mrs. Hernandez Comprehensive I
Comprehensive Science The purpose of this course is to study the concepts of life, Earth and space, physical science and their applications to everyday life. The goal of the comprehensive science courses series is to give exposure to a variety of science disciplines through participation at an exploratory experiences and activities. I provide the needed content, but you will be expected to go beyond and make world connections to further your capacity to apply topics in context with our society.
Classwork Home learning LAB/Experiments Demonstrations Chapter & Unit Assessments Projects Classwork Home learning
Topics for Course 1 Topics for Course 2 Energy Forces & Motion Earth’s Systems Energy in the Atmosphere & Ocean Weather & Climate Earth’s Surface Systems Living in the Biosphere Cells and Cell Systems Topics for Course 2 Thermal Energy Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation Minerals and Rocks in the Geosphere Plate Tectonics History of Earth Human Impacts on the Environment Reproduction/Genetics Change Over Time Ecosystems & How They Change
Contact Information Email Address: jhernandez@doralacademyes.org Website: www.JAM.doralacademy.org Phone: 305-597-9999 Please leave a message with the receptionist and I will return your call as soon as possible.