Interkingdom interactions between fungi and bacteria.


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Presentation transcript:

Interkingdom interactions between fungi and bacteria. Interkingdom interactions between fungi and bacteria. (a) Heat map depicting fungal-bacterial coabundance relationships in mice fed standard chow with the color gradient (scale inset) indicating the strength and direction of the correlation. Red, positive correlation; blue, negative correlation. (b) Network maps of fungal-bacterial interactions in mice fed either standard or high-fat chow. Blue line, positive correlation; gray line, negative correlation. Nodes are positioned using an edge-weighted spring-embedded layout. Color coding is as follows: fungal nodes, red node, Ascomycota phylum; green node, Basidiomycota phylum; bacterial nodes, purple node, Firmicutes phylum; green node, Bacteroidetes phylum; pink node, Deferribacteres phylum; dark blue node, Cyanobacteria phylum; light blue node, Actinobacteria phylum. Timothy Heisel et al. mSphere 2017; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00351-17