Nutrition and Healthy Foods Why is this focus area important? Adequate, appropriate and safe food and nutrition is a cornerstone for preventing chronic disease and promoting vibrant health. Nutrition policy is good health policy.
Nutrition and Healthy Foods Objectives Increase access to healthy foods and support breastfeeding. Make healthy foods available for all. Target obesity efforts to address health disparities.
2012 & 2013 County Health Rankings Living close to a grocery store is defined differently in rural and nonrural areas; in rural areas, it means living less than 10 miles from a grocery store whereas in nonrural areas, it means less than 1 mile. Low income is defined as having an annual family income of less than or equal to 200 percent of the federal poverty threshold for the family size. 2012 & 2013 County Health Rankings
UW-Extension Food Security Project Food insecurity means people do not always know where they will find their next meal. Described as “a financial juggling act, where sometimes the food ball gets dropped.” UW-Extension Food Security Project
UW-Extension Food Security Project
Sugar beverage consumption means kids who drink sweetened beverages daily – juice drinks, juice cocktails, soda, sports beverages, iced tea, lemonade, etc. This doesn’t include any flavored waters or diet drinks. It’s pretty much everything except 100% juice, water or milk. 2012 WIC Report