Unit 3 week 1 Long u words
use To make use of We had to use the phone to make a call.
huge Extra large in size or amount The elephant is huge!
cube A 3-D shape with six equal sides The box is in the shape of a cube.
cute Pretty, attractive The puppy is very cute.
January The first month of the year January is the beginning of a new year.
few Not many but more than one of something A few leaves fell from the tree.
rescue To free from danger The dog was trained to rescue people from danger.
music An art that uses sound to express ideas and feelings We sing in music class.
fuel Something that can be burned for energy, heat or light Gasoline is a type of fuel.
menu A list of dishes or food served at a meal Use the menu to choose your meal.
poisonous Full of poison The snake was poisonous.
barren An area of land that has few plants or trees The dessert barren.
waddle To walk with short steps, moving from side to side The duck waddles down the path to the pond.
jackrabbit A large type of hare (rabbit) in western North America with long legs and ears The jackrabbit looked around before he hopped out of his hole.
huddle To crowd together The penguins huddle together to stay warm.