Washoe County Board of Adjustment June 6, 2019 WADMIN19-0012 (Beer & Brats) Washoe County Board of Adjustment June 6, 2019
Request This is a request for an administrative permit to allow for an outdoor community event business license, with conditions, for Beer & Brats, an outdoor community event to be held at Aspen Grove in Incline Village on July 3rd The event qualifies as an “outdoor community event” under Washoe County Code (WCC) Section 25.272 and WCC Code 110.310.20 requires an Administrative Permit for an outdoor event
Background This event is has been held by the Incline Tahoe Foundation since 2014 The event is a fund raiser to enhance the overall well-being of the Incline Village and Crystal Bay community’s public parks and recreation facilities It is estimated that 450 to 500 people will attend the event
Event Details The event is on July 3rd from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and brats and buns, potato salad, sauerkraut, and soft pretzels will be served The food is prepared and served onsite – using the Aspen Grove facilities and outside grills Selected breweries will showcase their beers at the event, along with root beer and Tahoe Tap Tickets can be purchase at various locations in the area and at the event- $45 and $20 and children under 3 are free Volunteers will help with the cooking and serving of food, and assist in keeping the tables and area clean of food and debris Parking will be available on the surrounding streets and at the Recreation Center and overflow parking lot
Public Notice & CAB Public notice was sent to parcels within 500 feet from the site The Incline Village/Crystal Bay CAB reviewed the application on May 6, 2019 and recommended to approve the project.
Reviewing Agencies Various agencies reviewed the application, their comments are included in the staff report Agencies with conditions, are included in the Conditions of Approval
Administrative Permit Findings Consistency; Improvements; Site Suitability; Issuance Not Detrimental Staff is able to make the 4 required findings, as shown in the staff report on page 6 and recommends approval
Possible Motion I move that, after giving reasoned consideration to the information contained in the staff report and information received during the public hearing, the Board of Adjustment approve Administrative Permit Case Number WADMIN19-0012 for Incline Tahoe Foundation and an outdoor community event business license application and associated license conditions, for Beer & Brats, having made all four findings in accordance with Washoe County Development Code Section 110.808.25, I further move to authorize the Director of the Planning and Building Division to issue the business license when all pre-event conditions have been satisfied.