ICILS 2013 International Computer and Information Literacy Study Educational Quality Assurance Agency CHILE
Index Organization of the study Field operations Main results for Chile Communication of the results
Organisation Educational Quality Assurance Agency National and International Assessment External service provider Public bidding procedure Field operations, test administrators recruitment, storage Confidentiality agreements Penalties associated to participation rates Comprehensive Quality Assessment Unit International Assessment National Questionnaires of Quality and Educational Context Educational Quality Indicators (Self-esteem; Environment; Participation and Citizenship Education; Healthy Lifestyle) There are 10 of us
Field operations Invitation to schools Call center (script, frequent questions, letters) School Coordinator / School Collaboration Officer Two visits to each school, previous to the test Accurate diagnosis of school computers Motivation of students Cover letters for School, ICT and Teacher questionnaires School collaboration officer: contact schools for us We asked the external provider to set up a call center We motivate students to take the test and to do their best in it
Field operations 174 schools 3,189 students 3,300 schools Chilean Sample International Sample 174 schools 3,189 students 3,300 schools 60,000 students Preparation of USB sticks Copy of the test on each USB stick ID Labels for each USB stick (one per student) Accurate revision of test functionalities Previous to the day of the test Advice for test administrators and school coordinators (emails)
Main Results for Chile National Score Average (487) Below international score average Girls perform better than boys Socioeconomic status and CIL 74-point difference between Quintiles 1 and 5 (less than one standard deviation) National Score Average Below international media (less than one standard deviation) It is usual for Chile to be under the international average score, this also happens in PISA, TIMSS, ICCS, etc. Chile tends to perform better than many Latin American countries. In general, our country average is more than one standard deviation from top performers, this is not the case on ICILS. Socioeconomic status and CIL One standard deviation between lower and higher socioeconomic groups This also happens in national assessment and other international studies. Students are not reaching the higher abilities assessed by the test Chilean students do not reach higher level of CIL proficiency Not even 1% of Chilean students can demonstrate systematically the abilities described on highest proficiency level. However, Girls perform better than boys 25 points of difference Self perceptions High levels of self-confidence CIL is developed out of the school Use of computers at the school No correlation (or negative) between use of computers at class and CIL performance Students from lower socioeconomic groups use more frequently computers at the school
Main Results for Chile Geographic area Urban schools achieve better results than rural schools Students are not achieving the higher abilities assessed by the test Chilean students do not achieve highest level of CIL proficiency 18% of Chilean students below level 1 of proficiency Geographic area Students are not reaching the higher abilities assessed by the test Chilean students do not reach higher level of CIL proficiency Not even 1% of Chilean students can demonstrate systematically the abilities described on highest proficiency level. However, only 5% of students achieved level 4 proficiency in Korea, the country with highest proportion of students at this level.
Main Results for Chile Self perceptions High levels of interest in ICT High levels of self-confidence CIL is developed out of school Thinking about your experience with computers: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I think using a computer is fun. It is more fun to do my work using a computer than without a computer. I use a computer because I am very interested in the technology. Strongly agree 73,6 63,5 50,7 Agree 23,3 28,5 34,3 Disagree 2,6 6,7 12,7 Strongly disagree 0,5 1,2 2,2 According to what students said Self perceptions High levels of self-confidence CIL is developed out of the school Use of computers at the school No correlation (or negative) between use of computers at class and CIL performance Students from lower socioeconomic groups use more frequently computers at the school
I have always been good at working with computers. Main Results for Chile Thinking about your experience with computers: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I have always been good at working with computers. Girls Boys Strongly agree 45,6 52,8 Agree 43,3 35,6 Disagree 10,2 10,7 Strongly disagree 0,9 Even though boys are slightly more confident, girls actually perform better in the test Self perceptions High levels of self-confidence CIL is developed out of the school Use of computers at the school No correlation (or negative) between use of computers at class and CIL performance Students from lower socioeconomic groups use more frequently computers at the school
Main Results for Chile Use of computers in school No correlation (or negative correlation) between use of computers in class and CIL performance Students from lower socioeconomic groups use computers more frequently in school This is something which we can investigate further Girls perform better than boys As in most countries, there is a difference positive for girls, in Chile this gap is 25 points of difference Self perceptions High levels of self-confidence CIL is developed out of the school Use of computers at the school No correlation (or negative) between use of computers at class and CIL performance Students from lower socioeconomic groups use more frequently computers at the school
Main Results for Chile CIL is a useful skill for participation in various areas of life in society: home, school, work and community. ICILS results indicate that required skills to perform the most complex tasks need to be developed. Internationally, few students can demonstrate consistently the most complex skills described in the test. In Chile, 18 % of students have not consolidated the most basic skills described in ICILS Results of ICILS present a challenge with respect to encouraging students to develop skills in order to solve more complex tasks associated with managing information . In summary…
Presence in written and audiovisual media Communication Press conference Presence in written and audiovisual media
ICILS 2013 – Chilean experience gabriela.cares@agenciaeducacion.cl Educational Quality Assurance Agency Thanks for your attention