West Hartford Community Network West Hartford High School Risk Behavior Survey 2017 – A Focus on Bullying & Sexual Behavior West Hartford Community Network November 28, 2017 Mitch Irving, MPH Mitch.Irving@icrweb.org
2017 High School Survey ScanTron Survey distributed in Phys.Ed period during last week of February, 2017 2151 students at Hall & Conard Questions on substance use, bullying, sexual health and other risk behaviors Note: Results were not broken down by school
2017 High School Survey How do you identify yourself? Female: 47.7% Other: 3.1% Grade 9th – 31.2% 10th – 25.8% 11th – 29.6% 12th – 13.4%
Physical Bullying & Fighting 6.5% - Students who did not go to school at least once in the previous month because they felt unsafe 14.2% - Students physically harmed (hitting, kicking, shoving) and/or had belongings stolen by another student in the last month
Physical Bullying & Fighting 6.7% - Students threatened or injured at least once by a weapon on school property in the last year 16% - Students involved in a physical fight at least once in the last year (≈340 students)
Verbal & Online Bullying 31.1 % - Students who have been taunted, teased, name-called, ignored or excluded by others at least once in the last month 13.7% - Report verbal bullying 3 or more times in the last month 12.6% - Students reporting someone sending mean text messages or posting harmful things on the internet about them at least once in the last month
Dating Violence During the last year, how many times did someone you were dating or going out with…. 12.1 % - Purposely try to control or emotionally hurt you (at least one time) 5.1% - Physically hurt you on purpose (at least one time) 7.3% - Force you to have sex or do sexual things that you did not want to do (at least one time)
Sexual Behavior 29.3% - Ever had sexual intercourse 26.3% - Among sexually active students, percentage reporting never or rarely using a method of birth control and/or STI protection 85.8% - All Students who report having never been, or not sure if, they have ever been tested for STIs
Substance Use & Risk Behaviors 42.6% - Among sexually active students, percentage reporting having used alcohol or other drugs before sex 17% - Students who have done something they later regretted at least one time while drinking alcohol 6.5% - Students who report being taken advantage of sexually at least one time while drinking alcohol
Alcohol Use & Teen Driving 12% - Students reporting being in a vehicle driven by someone who had been drinking alcohol at least one time in the past month 14.6% - Students who report having driven a vehicle after drinking alcohol at least one time in the past month