Scope and Approach of ONF OIMT Internet Protocol Work Items oimt2019.KL.002.01_Scope&Approach-of-IP-WorkItems 封面主标题字体: 方正正中黑简体 微软雅黑 ONF OIMT & OTCC 2019.03.18-22 Sydney Joint Meeting CICT-FiberHome Kam LAM、Xiang YUN
The IP modeling landscape We recognize that IETF is the body that owns the Internet Protocol (IP) forwarding technologies In IETF the IP requirements and protocols are specified in RFCs or Working Group internet drafts (I-D) if not yet published as RFC In IETF the data models are currently specified in YANG In IETF there is no protocol-neutral information model. UML is not and will not be used for modeling. In OIMT, currently there are two new work items related to IP technologies, namely wi9 IP Switching wi53 IP Routing Before starting the modeling, we need to have consensus among ourselves on The scope of the works The relationship of the models to the IETF specifications, in particular the IETF YANG modules The approach of modeling The position of the wi9-UML and wi53-UML models with respect to the Core Model and TAPI model
IETF IP Routing YANGs YANG Github: Yang Module Import types from Yang module Augment to Yang module Routing ietf-routing@2018-03-13.yang ietf-interfaces, ietf-yang-types, - - Rtg ISIS ietf-isis@2019-01-24.yang ietf-routing, ietf-inet-types, ietf-yang-types, ietf-interfaces, ietf-key-chain, ietf-routing-types, iana-routing-types, ietf-bfd-types ietf-routing, ietf-interfaces Rtg BFD ietf-bfd@2018-08-01.yang ietf-bfd-types, ietf-routing ietf-routing Segment Routing (SR) * (*draft-ietf-spring-sr-yang-12.pdf) ietf-inet-types, ietf-routing, ietr-interfaces, ietf-routing-types, ietf-segment-routing-common SR Common * ietf-inet-types BGP ietf-bgp@2018-05-09.yang ietf-routing-policy, ietf-bgp-types, ietf-inet-types, ietf-yang-types BGP SR ietf-bgp-sr@2018-06-26.yang Ietf-routing-types, ietf-inet-types, ietf-routing-policy, ietf-bgp, ietf-bgp-policy, ietf-bgp-types, ietf-srv6-types ietf-bgp, Ietf-routing-policy YANG Github: Note: There are SR related I-D draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing-extensions, draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-segment- routing-ext, & draft-ietf-pce-segment-routing. But no YANG has been defined yet.
OIMT IP Modeling approach Map the IETF YANG modules into UML as IP UML models These IP UML models form the base of IP-Technology-specific UML models Similar position as the ITU-T transport-technology-specific base models G.875, G.8082, etc. These IP-Technology-specific base UML models Can be augmented with operator/vendor-specific features (e.g. to support 5G, ECC/DCN) by using the Spec approach Pruning/refactoring as needed for API-specific applications, such as TAPI
OIMT WI-53 IP Routing (Segment Routing) Purpose –IP Routing YANG mapping and assessment Specifically Map the IETF relevant YANG modules into UML Assess how the IP UML model fit into (align with) the Core model Includes – IP Routing YANG and relevant Segment Routing extension YANG Excludes – Other routing protocols: ISIS, BGP, OSPF, BFD; External Dependencies – IETF YANG modules specified in RFC and WG Internet Drafts Assumptions – The IP-specific UML base model could be extended with operator/vender-specific features (e.g. for supporting 5G, ECC/DCN applications) using the Core Spec model approach. Model (not technology) pruning/refactoring could apply as needed for API-specific applications, such as TAPI Risks – Should not change the base IP forwarding technology.
IP Switching? What is IP Switching? Wikipedia: Techopedia: Cannot find a clear definition of IP Switching Layer 3 switching in the context of multilayer switch (MLS) MLS: A multilayer switch (MLS) is a computer networking device that switches on OSI layer 2 like an ordinary network switch and provides extra functions on higher OSI layers. Layer 3 switching: Layer 3 switching is solely based on (destination) IP address stored in the header of IP datagram. The difference between a layer 3 switch and a router is the way the device is making the routing decision. Traditionally, routers use microprocessors to make forwarding decisions in software, while the switch performs only hardware-based packet switching. Techopedia: IP Switching is a routing technique which routes data packets faster than traditional routing by using Layer 3 Switches. IP Switching is performed by implementing Layer 3 switches which employ ASIC hardware and transferring via ATM Switches. This speeds up the whole routing process. IP Switching establishes a virtual circuit in ATM switches whenever it needs to route packets that are high priority or packets that are destined for an external network. IP Switching is also known as multi-layer switching because it performs Layer 3 based routing as well as Layer 2 switching.
OIMT WI-9 IP Switching Long Description of WI-9 “IP switching” in oimt2018.KL.001.16_oimt-work-items.xlsx: IP driven by requirements from ECC/DCN ensuring we have core support (IMP, OT, TAPI brigade * Extending over time to “full” IP via appropriate collaboration and federation Need better understanding on what to achieve Purpose – Specifically – Includes – Excludes – External Dependencies – Assumptions – Risks –