OMVs displaying WT SusG can rescue a strain with a ΔsusG growth phenotype on starch as the carbon source. OMVs displaying WT SusG can rescue a strain with a ΔsusG growth phenotype on starch as the carbon source. WT and ΔsusG strains were grown overnight in TYG medium. Cultures were washed with minimal medium without any carbon source and normalized by OD. Minimal medium with 0.5% starch as the only carbon source was inoculated with WT or ΔsusG strains to a final OD600 of 0.05. OMVs purified from the ΔsusG strain containing different pFD340 derivatives were added to the ΔsusG cultures in minimal medium with starch (1-µg/ml final concentration of OMVs). Aliquots were taken at different times, and the OD600 was measured to determine growth. Statistical significance when two growth curves were compared was determined by performing one pair of an unpaired t test analysis per each time point. *, P values < 0.01. The experiment is representative of three biological replicates; shown are mean values with SD for three technical replicates. Ezequiel Valguarnera et al. mSphere 2018; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00559-18