What is Apathy Absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement; lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting Comes from Greek Stoics Desire to control emotion through mastery of logic Logic=Good; Emotion=Bad Caring was seen as an emotional reaction to a situation and therefore considered to be a negative trait Apathy considered a goal for stoics
Areas of apathy Psychology Helps deal with stimuli that is too difficult to take in – coping mechanism Too much apathy considered a disorder associated with depression and PTSD Lack of motivation or will to do anything Harmful to self/self care Social Lack of interest in social events or gatherings Often affects work place morale Social Psychology Bystander effect – people in groups tend to not help individuals in need Lack of involvement is more likely as number of bystanders increase Bystanders aren’t necessarily apathetic but often feel as though someone else will intervene – comes off/appears apathetic and has the same effect
Academic Students often experience apathy towards school Lack of intrinsic motivation/interest in subject or learning May only be motivated by grades or just “getting by” Political Indifference to political issues Can come from lack of trust of politicians Contributes to low voter turn out Can lead to stagnation in government Can aid government corruption – Doesn’t hold politicians or government accountable
Effects of Apathy Lack of awareness Events, politics, issues, skills/education Lack of action Voting, change (social, personal, societal, moral) Psychological Cope with stress, function everyday, depression