Deliverables Published 08/31/2019
What is a Deliverable and Why is it Important? Importance: A reporting clause is necessary to make sure that any requirements and expectations are clear to both parties. It is important to make sure these reports are attainable by the PI as in many cases they are tied to financial compensation and must be recorded so F&A-Grants Accounting can proceed with invoicing. Uniform Guidance, Procedure in reference to 2 CFR 200.328 - Monitoring and reporting program performance. Examples of Deliverable types: Annual Progress Report Quarterly Report Final Report What is a Deliverable and Why is it Important?
Examples of Deliverable Clauses (4) Remember: Financial Reporting completed by the F&A-Grants Accounting Group
Who submits the deliverable to the agency? In most cases, the PI can submit the deliverable directly to the agency. With the exception of National Institute of Justice/Department of Justice. OR Award Management must upload to agency portal. The internal system, ARGIS/PARIS are not linked to any agencies. A copy or receipt of the deliverable is necessary for the account to be updated in ARGIS/PARIS.
Where can I send my deliverables? To Update internal file, OOR Deliverables Please notate the RID or Account Number. COS Post Award If you are unsure of the account.
What about subcontract deliverableS? Same deal as previously stated: OOR Deliverables Please notate the RID or Account Number. COS Post Award If you are unsure of the account.
How can I check the deliverables for a project in paris? Click the Deliverables (paper plane) button Complete listing of all project deliverables. A deliverable past due will change to red lettering.
How can I check my area/pi? AURORA can generate a report of all projects deliverables due. You can filter this report by college, department, and/or PI. Step 1: Select Type to view College Reports Department Report Individual Report
Step 2: Scroll down to the middle of the page to the Compliance Section. Select “Overdue and Upcoming Deliverables.” Step 3: Select the appropriate College and Department and then select Generate Report (defaults to Excel Spreadsheet). If you selected PI Report, an additional parameter will appear with the PI names. Click the appropriate name.
If you have any further questions…. COS Post Award Thank you, last slide.