Lesson 12: Troubled Children The Family & the Home Lesson 12: Troubled Children
Factors Leading to Trouble Bad parenting Outside evil influences Physical / mental disorders Rejecting God’s word
Troubled Children Trouble with Cain (Gen. 4:8) – murder and hatred (see 1 Jn. 3:12; Jude 11) Trouble with Ham (Gen. 9:20-27) – indecency and disrespect Trouble with Lot’s daughters (Gen. 19:30-38) – worldly and sexually immoral Trouble with Jacob (Gen. 25:27-34; 27:1-40) – deceitful and self-serving
Troubled Children Misc. troubled children (Ex. 20:12; 21:15, 17; Lev. 19:3; 20:9; Deut. 5:16; 21:18-21; 27:16; 1 K. 1:6; 2 K. 2:23-24)
Review Questions 1. What troubled children were studied in this lesson? 2. What are some external influences that may contribute to a troubled child (society, etc.)? 3. What are some internal influences that may contribute to a troubled child (parents, siblings, etc.)?