Course Reps A Quick Guide
All courses at Brighton University have at least one course representative for each year. They are elected at the beginning of the year to represent their fellow students on matters relating to the academic experience on their course Course Reps are an essential link between students and staff and ensure that students opinions are known and can be acted upon Being a Course Rep is a great way to make a difference on your course, get to know other students and staff and learn new skills
What do Course Reps do? Gather feedback from other students on the course and discuss issues raised with staff Work in partnership with staff to bring about changes Attend course board (or staff /student liaison) meetings and put forwards the views of the students they represent Report the outcome of meetings back to other students Keep the Students’ Union informed on important issues that arise
What do Course Reps not do? Course Reps are not expected to deal with other students’ personal / welfare problems or individual formal procedures such as complaints or appeals The role should not take up too much time or interfere with your own academic work
What have previous reps said about their experience of being a rep? ‘I have truly enjoyed my role as a course rep for the past two years. I found it a great way of not only getting involved in my school, but also supporting my fellow peers and making their voices heard’ ‘It's been very positive and re-affirmed my belief that the school wants to hear our voices’ ‘Very much enjoyed my time as a course rep throughout my time at Brighton Uni. I have enjoyed seeing changes being made based on student issues’ ‘I really enjoyed it as a first year student ….. it definitely helped me make friends and get to know my peers’
Why be a Course Rep You will be making a difference by improving the student experience and the quality of your course It’s sociable – you will get to know other students and staff You will develop new skills in a supported role Gain a greater understanding of how the university works It will all be good for your CV! Great reps can be nominated for a Rep of the Month award to win the Rep of the Month mug, a voucher and certificate
Training The Students’ Union runs Course Rep Training Sessions on all campuses and partner Colleges during October and November – these are essential for all new reps. Once appointed reps can book a place online and come along to… Develop a greater understanding of the Course Rep role Find out about how to be effective as a Rep Meet other Course Reps and the SU Sabbatical Officers Discover the support and resources that are available
Where would I go for support? The Students’ Union and the University work in partnership to support course reps. Course Leader – Usually the first point of contact Brighton Students’ Union Ebun Azeez Brighton SU Vice President Academic Experience Dan Simmonds Brighton SU Student Representation Coordinator
To Find Out More Take a look at: Course Rep Area on the SU Website. Here you’ll find the rep handbook, training and forum dates as well as other useful resources and information for the role. Email any questions you have about the role to: