First Grade ‘s advice to Kindergarten Mrs. Weed’s Class 2011
Our advice to Kindergarten! You will have Daily 5. Buddy Reading is great. You will have two recesses and have longer time.
Our advice to Kindergarten! You can pick your lunch everyday. Pizza is delicious. We have sticker day too. Get ready to do some animal research.
Our advice to Kindergarten! You will have gym class. Your teacher will be Mr. Hambleton. The 2 minute run is fun. You will do hard math and learn to count money.
Our advice to Kindergarten! When you are in 1st grade, you will have a USA show. You will learn about subtraction in Math. You will have an author of the month.
Our advice to Kindergarten! In first grade we have pit every day and become scientists. Reading is great. In first grade, you will learn to read chapter books and will write a lot of stories!
Our advice to Kindergarten! You will get to be morning meeting manager. We play many games. You will learn cool science. We got guppies and snails in our class.
Our advice to Kindergarten! We all have jobs in our class. My favorite job is teacher’s helper. You will read everyday. I love to read chapter books. My favorite author is Ron Roy.
Our advice to Kindergarten! You will be in school for 6 hours. We planted seeds this year too. You will learn how to tell time in first grade.
Our advice to Kindergarten! You will become a great reader. We learned about balance. Get ready to do experiments.
Our advice to Kindergarten! In first grade you will take a lot of tests and get smarter. When you do the USA show, don’t talk on stage until it’s your turn.