Topics FY19 Funding and Policy Updates Regulation Actions Key Topic Areas Section 3 Proposed Rule Consolidated Plan Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program Opportunity Zones Neighborhood Stabilization Program
BUDGET/FUNDING: FY 2019 CDBG & SECTION 108: FY 2019 CDBG enacted appropriation is $3.365 bil , same as FY 2018 -$65 mil for Indian CDBG, -$7 mil for Insular Areas CDBG = $3.293 bil for formula Section 108 enacted loan guarantee authority is $300 million, same as FY2018 Contains the usual annual prohibitions and limitations on CDBG funding: no bartering/exchanging funds among local governments 20% planning + general admin costs cap eminent domain generally prohibited in conjunction with private for profit economic development mandatory underwriting of assistance to private for-profit businesses
BUDGET/FUNDING: FY 2019 CDBG & SECTION 108: Formula allocations announced April 12 Grantees have 60 days from April 12 to submit their Action Plan/ConPlan. Grantees with PYSD 8/1 -10/1 can submit per normal schedule 1211 Entitlement grantees (+ 2 from 2018) 2019 Formula uses 2012-2016 ACS data + 7/1/17 Census population estimates
BUDGET/FUNDING: FY 2019 Other programs: HOPWA $393 mil HOME $1.25 bil, down from $1.362 bil in FY 2018 ESG $280 mil All other Continuum of Care & homeless demonstration programs $2.356 bil Section 202 housing for elderly $678 mil including contract renewals Section 811 housing for disabled $184.1 mil including contract renewals Housing Counseling program $50 mil Lead Hazard Reduction programs $279 mil
FY 19 POLICY UPDATES CPD Notice 19-01: Guidance on Submitting Consolidated Plans and Annual Action Plans for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 CPD Notice 19-02: Low- and Moderate-Income Summary Data Updates –new 2011-2015 ACS-based LMISD is effective 4/1/19 CPD Notice 19-04: Urban County Qualification/Requalification for FY 2020-2022 189
FY 19 POLICY UPDATES Revised IDIS CDBG Matrix Code Definitions Posted Additional CDBG FAQ Categories Posted FY 2019 Section 8 Income Limits Posted 4/24 FY 2019 HOME & CDBG Income Limits Posted 6/5, effective 6/28 NSP Closeout Guidance 4/17 FR Notice: Request for Information on how to support Opportunity Zones (comment period now closed) 3 New IDIS On Line training modules on LMA activities 189
FUTURE CDBG RULE-MAKING Final Rule on Grant-Based Accounting CDBG Regulation Reform Proposal Support Opportunity Zones Incorporate Consolidated Plan Rule revisions Incorporate Performance Measurement revisions Incorporate ideas from Moving CDBG Forward This is a long term project: Proposed rule > Public comment period > Final rule = 18-24 months NSP Federal Register Notice Section 3 Final Rule 189
NEW SECTION 3 RULE Proposed Rule Published in Federal Register on 4/4/19 Comment deadline was 6/3 Would Eventually Replace June 1994 Interim Rule (which remains in effect until a final rule is issued) Supersedes March 2015 Proposed Section 3 Rule Different Implementation Approaches for Public Housing vs. Community Planning & Development and other programs 189
NEW SECTION 3 RULE Current Rule measures percentage of new hires who are low/very low-income persons. Leads to churning - employers create a series of short-term or P/T jobs to meet §3 numeric hiring goals. Proposed Rule would measure percentage of labor hours worked by §3 workers & targeted workers - would measure actual sustained employment over time. Correlates with Davis-Bacon reporting. PHAs would still have option to report new hires. 189
NEW SECTION 3 RULE Would apply to an entire project funded in whole/part with $200,000 + from any/all covered HUD programs, or with any Lead Hazard/Healthy Homes funding. Dollar threshold may be adjusted every 5 years. Numerical Benchmarks would be updated every 3 years. (Proposed initial benchmarks also published on 4/4/19) If numerical benchmarks not met, recipients would submit qualitative report on efforts undertaken. Reporting via programs’ existing systems/timing. 189
NEW SECTION 3 RULE Targeted Worker Concept & Definitions Section 3 Worker = low/very low income individual or employee of qualified business Targeted Section 3 Worker = definition varies by program & statutory language e.g., residents of the assisted PHA or Section 8 project, other PHA residents, §3 business employees, Youthbuild program participants, low/very low income employees living in the project’s service area/immediate neighborhood 189
Consolidated Plan >50% of Grantees Due to Submit Next Consolidated Plan in 2020 Issues to Consider: Broadband Infrastructure Opioid Epidemic Partnerships Resiliency Opportunity Zones AI’s remain on indefinite hold, will not affect 2020 ConPlan submission process
FORTHCOMING CDBG GUIDANCE Webinars on Complying with 20% Planning + Admin cap under Grant Based Accounting Webinar on Urban County & HOME Consortia Qualification/Requalification Webinar on Code Enforcement Guidance on using Consolidated Plan/CDBG/§ 108 to support Opportunity Zones CPD Notice on using CDBG for Housing (update of 2007 Notice) Additional modules of IDIS On-Line training Basically CDBG On-Line training Webinars + Guidance on Consolidated Plan development/submissions for 2020 – first one is May 1 Local Income Survey development - On-Line Tool NSP – Guidance on Expending Funds/Transferring Program Income/Closing Out Grants 189
OTHER RECENT POLICY GUIDANCE CAPER PR-26 Report Troubleshooting Guide at Housing Counseling Certification Rule Resources: Grant Based Accounting Webinar & Materials at: FAQs on using CDBG funds for broadband: Returning funds to LoC, local program account, IDIS LA fund, Excess PI: 189
OTHER RECENT POLICY GUIDANCE CPD Note: Timely Distribution of State CDBG Funds: CPD Notice: Supporting Envision Centers in the Con Plan process: CPD Notice: CDBG Lump Sum Drawdown Requirements: CPD Notice: Management of CDBG-Assisted Real Property: CPD Notice: Using CDBG for Individual Development Accounts: CPD Notice: Using CPD formula funds for Disaster Response & Recovery: 189
OTHER USEFUL T.A. RESOURCES 14 “Explore CDBG” TA Videos + Project Profiles: products/ IDIS Online Training Modules: Web-Based Instructional System for Environmental Review (WISER): § 108 Project Profiles, Webinars on Underwriting, IDIS reporting, Project Design, Application Process: Uniform Relocation Act explanatory video: eConPlan Suite webinars – incorporating HTF; Best Practices:
Neighborhood Stabilization Program Total Investments: $7 billion Impact: 54,285 housing units Program Income: $1.83 billion Remaining Grant Balance: $240 million Out of 633 grants, 529 remain open
NSP Accomplishments
NSP Challenges Programmatic issues remain to be resolved (e.g. unfinished homes, audits) Some grantees cannot spend their original grant funds because Program Income must be spent first. Grantees lack eligible units in approved areas of greatest need; target areas are difficult to amend. Administrative funds are diminished; staff capacity has moved on. Grantee DRGR skills are low, so budget reconciliations are difficult. The statute has no deadline for closeout; many grantees have ignored the program.
NSP Opportunities & Options Building Grantee and Staff Capacity Providing targeted Closeout TA (including personalized service facilitated by TA providers, national mini-clinics with follow up and peer-to-peer learning) Looking at Policy Fixes & Options Waiving requirement to spend PI first Allowing one-time transfers of PI to CDBG. Considering permitting transfers of future income streams. Investigating a simple and comprehensive way to expand target areas Reviewing the possibility of grant fund recapture as a last resort Engaging Our Key Stakeholders Working with our national housing partners, state and local leaders and City Managers to heighten awareness for innovative ways to use the funds and/or closeout grants